By Madison Dyer
With a passion for women and the color pink, Alivia Rubright kickstarted a Student Organization for the ladies of the Communication Department: Communication Connect. All women across BDMJ, PWID and COMM are invited to join, grow their networks and deepen their friendships.
Rubright felt the different Communication majors suffered from disconnect, subconsciously segregating themselves by concentration or specific major. They might see each other and become friends in overlapping classes, but interaction outside of class remained uncomfortable and difficult.
“My freshman year, it was so good when I was in classes,” Rubright said. “But to bring [classmates] outside of class into more of my personal life it felt very awkward or intimidating.”
The org’s first event reflected a desire to curb that awkwardness and bring people together in a more intimate and casual environment. They invited girls to come in their coziest pajamas, play easy, relaxing and intermingling games, and finally decorate mugs during a Q&A session. About 30 ladies attended, even with limited promotion through email and word of mouth.
Sarah Mummert, a senior PWID major, expected to feel disconnected from the other women because of her major. Originally, she felt uneasy, but she received a warm welcome, and went on to greatly enjoy the fun activities and beautiful atmosphere.
“All the officers were like, just like mingling with people and introducing themselves…and really genuinely happy I was there,” Mummert said.
She also mentioned that she felt the org was off to an excellent start, definitely accomplishing its purpose to cultivate unity within the department. As they seek this goal, they have committed to remembering the verse which Rubright chose as Communication Connect’s purpose statement, Colossians 4:6, which reads:
“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”
In everything they do, the officers of Communication Connect desire to keep their speech God-honoring. This is incredibly befitting of a Christian org centered around Communications majors, who spend a majority of their time talking or writing or presenting a story in some way!
Communication Connect plans to host two events per month: One being a crafts and games get-together, the other hosting a knowledgeable speaker, who has graduated from the Communication department and will cover topics from impactful classes to future job opportunities. The first speaker event is scheduled for January 31st. There, Lori Shafner, a Cedarville University alumni, will talk about her experience as a recruiter for several different companies, such as American Residential Services and T3 Services Group.
Ladies interested in the event and the org in general can contact Alivia Rubright at:

Photo and logo provided by Alivia Rubright
Madison Dyer is a Freshman Professional Writing and Information Design student, who grew up nearby the University. She likes to draw, play guitar and engage in general shenanigans.
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