Primary Election Guide

Registered voters across Ohio will cast their ballots Tuesday, March 15, in the state’s primary election. Polls are open 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., and voters must bring a form of identification to their polling place. Individuals who will be age 18 or older by Nov. 8 are eligible to vote in Ohio, according to The Columbus Dispatch.

Grace Baptist Church at 109 N. Main Street serves as the polling location in Cedarville.

Congressional and state offices are on Tuesday’s ballot, but votes for the Republican presidential nominee will take center stage. Ohio is a winner-take-all state, meaning that all of its 66 GOP delegates will go to the candidate receiving the greatest percentage of votes Tuesday, either clarifying or further complicating the presidential race for the Republican candidates. The 143 Democratic delegates will be awarded proportionally to the two Democratic presidential candidates.

Cedarville residents can choose from a Democratic, Republican, Green Party or Questions and Issues ballot in the primary election.

Sample ballots for Cedarville (Greene County):

Candidates on the Green Party ballot:

  1. For U.S. Senator

Contested positions (for which there is more than one candidate) on the Democratic ballot:

  1. For Democratic presidential nominee, listed in order of appearance on a sample ballot
    • Bernie Sanders
    • Hillary Clinton
    • Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente
  2. For U.S. Senator

Contested positions (for which there is more than one candidate) on the Republican ballot:

  1. For Republican presidential nominee, listed in order of appearance on a sample ballot (candidates that have dropped out of the race still appear on the ballot and may receive votes)
    • Carly Fiorina
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John R. Kasich
    • Rand Paul
    • Marco Rubio
    • Rick Santorum
    • Donald J. Trump
    • Jeb Bush
    • Ben Carson
    • Chris Christie
    • Ted Cruz
  2. For U.S. Senator
  3. For Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court
  4. For Member of State Central Committee in 10th Congressional District (Man)
  5. For Member of State Central Committee in 10th Congressional District (Woman)
  6. For State Senator from 10th Congressional District
  7. For State Representative from 74th District
    1. Bill Dean
    2. Joe Russell
    3. Brendan P. Shea
    4. Chris Wallace

Students, share your thoughts on the election in Cedars’ poll by Thursday, March 17, at 10 p.m. ET.

Anna Dembowski is a senior journalism major and editor-in-chief for Cedars. She loves coffee and craves adventure. Follow her at @annabbowskers.

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    Amit October 27, 2016 (9:02 am)
