COVID-19 5 results

Recent Vaccine Mandates Raise Questions and Controversy Over Constitutional Rights

By Anna Harman COVID-19 has impacted our lives for almost a year and a half. In recent months, vaccines for COVID-19 have been produced and have been recommended to citizens by many healthcare officials. Now, the vaccines are beginning to be required for many schools, businesses, federal occupations, events, and the medical field. There are varying opinions on the many questions of whether the act of requiring the COVID-19 vaccines is threatening our constitutional rights. Do schools, ...

What To Watch Next: Quarantine Edition

by Sam Acosta It’s the start of another wonderful semester here at Cedarville University, and with that, comes the return of some of our favorite things. One-on-ones in Chucks, the lively sounds of the Meet Market, the long lines at Chick-Fil-A, and, sadly, the return of quarantine and isolation. For those brave souls who find themselves stuck in their dorm rooms, at home, or the isolated islands of Faith and Alford, one of the most daunting trials facing you right now is boredom. So here is ...

What To Do In Quarantine

by Anna Harman The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of abnormalities in the past two years. Isolating from friends and family can be heartbreaking and even more frustrating. Although being in quarantine doesn’t mean that you have to allow yourself to sulk in the seemingly endless feeling of being alienated from society. You can instead choose to be positive and use this time to be productive. If you need some inspiration on how to be productive in quarantine, then here are just a few ...

Welcome Home: Chapel Through The Pandemic

by Abigail Hintz Walking into the Jeremiah Chapel after over a year away was one of the coolest experiences of my life. I entered the doors to the familiar dim light, but the hum of the students was life giving. Everyone felt so much joy to be back, myself included. We watched as a video played reminiscing on how we had made it through the last year by God’s grace, and how after one whole year, we were home. As we were invited to worship with the band, tears were already in my eyes. ...

Mental Health and COVID-19

Why raising awareness is more important than ever by Zach Krauss Few phenomena have changed the world like the COVID-19 pandemic. At Cedarville, the educational experience has shifted from an almost exclusively in-person learning format to a context in which online learning is commonplace, especially for students who are feeling unwell. Students are now more stressed than ever about not only their health, but also the health of those around them. There is an everpresent chance of the ...