Students display their pride in their fellow jacket as she returns. Freshman Grace Norman left campus at the end of August to compete in the Rio 2016 Paralympics, and returned Wednesday, Sept. 14, with one bronze medal and one gold.
Norman laughs with Executive Director of Public Relations, Mark Weinstein, minutes before the ceremony begins.
The Olympian is greeted with cheers as she enters the room..
Norman embraces her sister, senior Bethany Norman.
President Thomas White jokes with Norman as he congratulates her on her achievement.
State Sen. Bob Hackett made an appearance to congratulate Norman as well.
Norman speaks to the crowd about her time in Rio.
Norman with parents, Tim and Robin Norman. Tim Norman serves as a professor of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering at CU, and one of the founders of CU’s biomedical engineering minor.
Dr. White with wife, Joy, and son, Samuel, pose with Norman for photos.
The celebration is moved outside, where everyone waits for the word to release their balloons into the air. Each balloon was gold, in honor of Norman’s gold medal.
The balloons are released.
Norman watches with her parents as the many gold balloons fly into the sky.
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