Cedars | 2017 | November | 09
day : 09/11/2017 2 results

Just Sayin’ – Brace Yourselves: It’s (Basic)ally Fall

by Alex Hentschel On Friday, Sept. 22, the greatest season began. I love flannels. I love caramel. I love warm sweaters, bonfires, and apple-picking. I love all the discounted candy I get after I celebrate Reformation Day — it’s nice of stores to celebrate the downfall of the Catholic Church by offering the indulgence of 50-percent-off Reese’s. And yes — I’m going to say it — I love Pumpkin Spice Lattes. What I don’t love is all of the judgmental stares when I order one — as ...

Student Spotlight: Gabrielle Bauman – Bringing Light

by Tayana Fowler Ever since the fourth grade, Gabrielle Bauman has had two passions: theater and her savior, Jesus Christ. Bauman, a senior theatre major, has spent the past four years at Cedarville serving the Lord and the student body with her gifts and talents in theater. In fourth grade, Bauman discovered her passion and love for the stage through ballet, which was her first exposure to the spotlight. The skills she learned through dance taught her to be comfortable on stage. Her first ...