month : 05/2023 34 results

‘Power Rangers: Once and Always’ reunites the original team

By Katlynn Rossignol The original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are back to defend the world from evil in “Power Rangers: Once & Always”. When the ranger’s nemesis, Rita Repulsa, destroys Yellow Ranger Trini, it’s up to Billy and Zack to lead the Ranger team. Minh Kwan, Trini’s distraught teenage daughter must learn what it means to be a true hero in order to help her adopted family and save the world.  This special is a treat for long-time fans of the Power Ranger ...

‘Tetris’ is a fast-paced, stylized look at the game’s complicated origins

By Janie Walenda When I think about Tetris, my first thought usually isn’t Cold War espionage, but that’s the premise of Apple TV’s “Tetris:” A look inside the convoluted negotiations for the rights to license Tetris during the 1980s. While the characters are based on very real people, it’s dubious how much of this high-stakes and dramatized movie is factual. However, the end result is so entertaining, I didn’t mind it. Taron Egerton plays the hero of the story, Henk ...

Bravo Zulu: Dick Walker’s legacy of kindness and community at Cedarville University

By Avonlea Brown The old man at the coffee shop Dick Walker, known to many as Chief, sits in Beans and Cream, the local coffee shop. Rarely a morning goes by he can’t be found there, whether meeting a friend or his wife for coffee. His shaking hand rests on a black cane and a cough wracks his chest. His head swivels to the right every time the door opens, watching students, teachers and townspeople stop in for coffee before going about their lives. Occasionally his face splits into ...

Senior reflections and advice for the next wave of students at Cedarville University 

by Noah Tang Another commencement approaches. Graduating seniors prepare to enter the workforce, and begin reflecting on their time at Cedarville University. Each senior can look back and find areas of their lives that were affected by teachers and peers, and see how they have matured greatly from the four years prior. Now it is time to share the valuable life lessons they have learned with fellow students. Jonny Gartner is graduating with a degree in political science. He is the chair ...