month : 07/2024 12 results

Teresa Clark leaves behind legacy of discipleship and faithful service

By Julia Swain  Entering Teresa Clark’s office, the sound of laughter echoes through the room, reverberating off of the walls as she finishes up a conversation with a colleague. When a student came in mid-interview, she did not even bat an eye before greeting him with kindness and sincerity. This  warm personality coupled with a heart for intentional interaction is what will ultimately define Clark’s legacy at Cedarville.  Before starting at Cedarville as the head volley...

Haleigh Eckert: Lucky number 13

By Maggie Fipps “Twelve twelve!” her teammates cheer, encouraging senior pole vaulter Haleigh Eckert as she tries to accomplish a goal six years in the making.  They are well aware that twelve feet twelve inches is thirteen feet, but that’s an unlucky number around here.  “I've been trying to hit the 13 mark for, no joke, 6 years of my life,” Eckert said. “I think it's been sort of a mental thing probably because my personal record before was 12’ 11” and ...

Megan McClish—NCCAA National Player of the Year

By Emily Tuttle Since she was old enough to remember, Megan McClish has been on a soccer field with a ball on her feet. Like many successful athletes, she played both school and club soccer growing up and her passion for the game never stopped increasing. Now, she plays on Cedarville University’s women’s soccer team as a decorated junior midfielder and leader. McClish is a role model on her team, but she does not desire recognition.  “She is super humble. She’s not ...

Olympics: The last American unifier?

By Maggie Fipps When was the last time everyone felt truly proud of the United States of America?  Think back to when you got goosebumps from Lee Greenwood’s classic “God Bless the USA,” not just from the excellently timed cymbal crash, but from pure pride in the red, white and blue.  The Paris Olympics, beginning in just a few months, could be a chance to regain a sense of national pride that the USA’s breakdancer could beat France in an epic battle, (yes, that is ...

The Foreign Film Series brings the stories and experiences of other cultures to Cedarville

By Ben Konuch When South Korean filmmaker Bong Joon-ho won the Oscar for Best Picture in 2019 for directing the film “Parasite,” he took the stage at the 92nd Academy Awards with a subtle condemnation and challenge for Western audiences.  “Once you overcome the one-inch tall barrier of subtitles,” he said, “you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.”  This charge to expand our horizons and cultural understanding through films is not just thought about ...

A letter from Prague

By Avonlea Brown The city of a thousand spires, the city of magic, the golden city, the mother of all cities. The guidebooks did not lie.  I arrived in Prague skeptical of all the hype I had gotten from every person I talked to about my upcoming travels. One city could not be as beautiful, peaceful and interesting as people had said. And yet here I am, sitting on the bathroom floor in my apartment at 1 a.m. so as not to wake my roommates, writing about how Prague has to be one of ...

A Tale of Two Adaptations

‘Percy Jackson and the Olympians’ and ‘Avatar the Last Airbender’ back in thespotlight By Janie Walenda It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.  It was the age of falling in love with excellent children’s media, it was the age of heart-crushing horrible live-action adaptations.  2000s kids really had it all.  “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” and “Avatar the Last Airbender” mirror each other throughout their history.  Both debuted in ...

Local Missions; Big Impacts

By Ashleigh Clark Pictured above: In the fall of 2023, a panel discussion titled “Disability is Not A Dirty Word: Navigating Inclusivity” gave students the opportunity to hear from people andtheir families about living with disabilities. The panel also advised on how the church can help families. Have you ever seen those adorable puppies trotting around campus? Maybe you have petted these puppies, enjoying their adorable presence. They certainly are cute additions to campus life. ...

Senior Spotlights

By Anna Harman Pictured Katie Wyand. Photo Credit: Rebecca Robinson Katie Wyand Katie Wyand is a senior Biblical Counseling major at Cedarville. After graduation, she will be moving to Alabama with her future husband, who is in the Air Force. She will be pursuing her Masters of Social Work online through Liberty University. After she gets her masters, she plans on getting a job as a licensed social worker operating in mental health group therapy.  Cedarville has prepared her ...

Internship Spotlights

Kruse works as emergency room tech in the summer By Bella Agnello Pictured above Zach Kruse Zach Kruse, a sophomore Molecular Biology major, works as an emergency room tech at a hospital in his hometown of Newton, Kansas, over breaks. As an ER tech, he takes care of the menial tasks, such as cleaning rooms and reading vitals to monitor patients, as well as shadowing doctors. "It's easy to learn the book side of hospital stuff, but actually being able to be in a hospital and learn ...