Senior Spotlights

By Anna Harman

Pictured Katie Wyand. Photo Credit: Rebecca Robinson

Katie Wyand

Katie Wyand is a senior Biblical Counseling major at Cedarville. After graduation, she will be moving to Alabama with her future husband, who is in the Air Force. She will be pursuing her Masters of Social Work online through Liberty University. After she gets her masters, she plans on getting a job as a licensed social worker operating in mental health group therapy. 

Cedarville has prepared her well to go into this career. 

“With my Biblical Counseling degree I have received the Biblical perspective for how to care for people in a Christ centered and God honoring way,” Wyand said. 

Something she will remember most is the people and the relationships she built during her time at Cedarville.

Jy Klein

Pictured Jy Klein. Photo Credit Logan Howard

Jy Klein is a senior nursing major at Cedarville. She plans to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) in June, get married in July, and secure a job in August. She plans to start job hunting after her preceptorship ends so she can have a better idea of what unit she would like to work on in a hospital. A preceptorship is essentially when an experienced clinician supervises nursing students during their clinicals by teaching and coaching them. 

Long term, Klein wants to serve in ministry with her soon to be husband and go on the mission field one day. Until then, she will be working at a hospital as an RN and serving at the local church where her husband is pastoring. 

Cedarville has given her a lot of experiences necessary for her to succeed in this field. She has gone overseas on two different medical missions trips and combined all three areas: nursing, missions, and cultural knowledge.

 “Cedarville has prepared me well with the rigorous nursing program that has challenged us to think critically and placed us in clinical settings that allow us to practice the skills we’ve been taught,” Klein said. “They’ve also helped me deepen my understanding of the Bible through the Bible minor along with preparing me for missions one day with my cross-cultural nursing minor.”

Klein will most remember the people she has met at Cedarville such as her friends, nursing professors, leaders she has served alongside, and the people she has discipled on campus. 

Anna Harman is a senior Christian Education major and also a reporter for Cedars. She appreciates writing, children’s ministry, flowers, and going to concerts.

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