Cedarville welcomes new men’s basketball coach with press conference

By Emily Tuttle

“Today marks the next stage of Cedarville men’s basketball,” said Chris Cross, vice president for athletics. 

This stage formally kicked off on Tuesday, August 20 when Cedarville University introduced Rob Jones as the new men’s basketball coach.

Jones formerly coached at Liberty University, the University of Richmond and the University of Alabama-Huntsville.

He displayed his passion for not only the sport of basketball but also for discipling players. He and his wife, Christine, both desired to be at a place with this mentality.  

“Discipling a group of young men through the game of basketball has been something that is on our hearts,” Jones said. “It resonates with us.”

The head coach position became available in late July when former men’s basketball coach, Pat Estepp, resigned to pursue a new opportunity coaching at Furman University.

Jones hopes to continue the tradition of spiritual excellence, and he felt Cedarville was the place for him and his wife to do that. 

“We had prayed regardless of level, regardless of region, regardless of the size of the school or any of that stuff,” Jones said. “We just prayed that the mission would be right, that the leadership would be right.”

Both Cross and Cedarville University President Dr. Thomas White believe that Jones embodies the vision statement of Cedarville University: “For the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

“His philosophy of being a faithful steward of all God entrusted to him attracted us to Coach Jones,” White said. 

Jones echoed Cross and White’s sentiment. He said he believes Cedarville is where God wants him to be. Jones said he desired to lead a program where he directly aligned with the athletic director and president’s philosophy.

By God’s grace, Cedarville was just that school.

Jones honed in on three key messages at the press conference to convey his character to the gathered school leaders. 

First, he expressed his gratitude. 

Jones said he believes that the individual he is today reflects the coaches he worked under.

He desires to lead to his players like a father, a passion he gained while working under Lennie Acuff at the University of Alabama-Huntsville.

“Acuff showed me on a daily basis what it looks like to be a father figure,” Jones said.

At Liberty University, head coach Ritchie McKay’s desire to be more than a basketball coach also influenced Jones.

“I was able to witness and to be a part of Christian leadership and the development of young men and the intentionality of that on a daily basis,” Jones said.

Jones’s second vision for the program was “pursuit.” 

He knows people are eager to hear about his coaching style and blueprint for the program, but he said he wants to emphasize the pursuit of improvement and discipleship first.

“I have a passion, a sincere passion, for growth, for development and for consistency,” Jones said.

He hopes that the team will consistently pursue growth each day, no matter what they are doing. His commitment to spiritual development allows him to relate to his players and steward the gifts God has given them.

“I’m not trying to perform for you in a certain way. I am going to stand before you, and I am going to coach you,” Jones said. “I’m going to relate to you in a truly authentic way.”

And not to worry, Jones promises that his plans for the program and the nitty-gritty details of his game will be known in no time. 

On the theme of growth, he shared his third point, an illustration of bamboo.

“Water the bamboo,” Jones said.

This phrase epitomizes consistency. Jones said he wants his players to be patient and keep working, even when the results don’t seem to follow. It takes many years of watering bamboo roots and developing them underground before they are visible. Similarly, Jones encourages his players to be faithful and focused, even when their growth is beneath the surface. 

The men’s basketball team will continue to water the bamboo as they prepare for their upcoming season with Coach Jones.

Last year, the team finished with a 23-12 record, and their hopes fell short in the G-MAC conference tournament. This year with Jones leading the squad, they hope to use their consistency to top the conference and further their playoff hopes.

Emily Tuttle is a sophomore Broadcasting, Digital Media and Journalism major. She has a passion for Philly sports, weight lifting and all things silly. 

Photo by Logan Howard

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