day : 24/09/2024 5 results

Testimony Tuesday: Learning to rest in the Father’s love

By Bella Agnello Sam Sofio, a sophomore Professional Writing and Information Design, never found it difficult to see that he had a loving father. However, seeing God as a perfect, loving Father proved to be more challenging.  Sofio grew up in a Christian household just outside of Cincinnati, OH. His parents raised Sofio, his older brother and his younger sister in the church. Though, it was not until later in his life that he experienced a hunger and thirst for God. During his ...

Summer Film Recap: Sophie Monastra’s small theater summer

By Sophie Monastra I don’t watch films in theaters.  I know, I’m bad for the local economy and films are better enjoyed on the big screen as opposed to on my 33-inch Best Buy home TV. Unfortunately, I’d rather wait to rent a film from Amazon–or even better, check out a physical DVD from the library–and enjoy it in the comfort of my couch than spend $20 and gas money to go sit in a sticky theater chair for two hours.  This summer, I became a better person. Unrelated ...

‘Speak No Evil” shows us the danger we allow in for the sake of our comfort

By Ben Konuch “We've been pretending it's normal since we got here. This is so not normal!” Human beings do something that I find fascinating. I do it, and you probably do it too without even realizing it. It’s our defense mechanism, our ability to be a chameleon in a group. And if you say you don’t, then you’re probably lying to yourself.  When push comes to shove, people don’t speak up when they’re uncomfortable with something. Sure, if something big enough ...

Summer Film Recap: Janie Walenda’s summer of adventure and action

By Janie Walenda Like any self-respecting nerdy older sibling, I spent most of my summer watching movies and television shows with my younger brothers. Throughout the summer, we worked our way through “The Acolyte,” “My Adventures with Superman” and the “Planet of the Apes” films. Oh, “The Acolyte.” While Star Wars has never been known for its calm and considerate fans, the backlash to the new show is similar to the reaction to the once-misaligned prequel movies. In this ...

Domestic abuse panel at Cedarville University teaches what Christians must know about domestic abuse

By Bella Agnello *For the purpose of protecting the identity of a survivor of domestic abuse and her family, information such as names and last names have been removed from this article On Thursday, September 19, Cedarville University hosted a panel discussion on abuse titled “Domestic Abuse Panel: Our Responsibilities as Christians in the Workplace.” The panel featured experts who talked about their professional and personal experiences with domestic abuse: Professor Melissa Brown ...