year : 2024 87 results

“Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” is lukewarm at best

By Janie Walenda What do you want out of a “Ghostbusters” movie? Personally, I am here for the theme song and to see a bunch of goofballs fight ghosts. By this forgiving metric, “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” is a success. But in a film that is stuffed to the brim with characters and side plots galore, it’s hard to find any concrete thing that the film excels at. It’s certainly a weaker entry than its predecessor, “Ghostbusters: Afterlife,” which stands as one of the best ...

Cedarville students experience growth and encouragement in D.C. (D.C. Go Trip Part 2)

By Noah Tang My trip to Washington, D.C. encouraged me in various ways and was a much-needed change of pace. Our team had been preparing for this mission trip since last semester and met weekly since January, and it did not disappoint. The Lord showed me His faithfulness in D.C., in both my life and the lives of my teammates. I learned several significant lessons from this trip. First, believers can get along as they strive for the kingdom and glory of God together. To the best of my ...

‘Monkey Man:’ blending cultural representation with brutal revenge

By Ben Konuch “In this city, the rich don’t see us as people. To them, we’re animals.” (Editor’s note: “Monkey Man” is a mature film that contains moments of intense violence and grapples with adult themes such as human trafficking, religious persecution and attacks on LGBT minorities. The author of this article notes that some of these topics and the way they are presented may not be for everyone, but for some, there is great worth in asking its questions. The film is not ...

What makes the first half of “Shogun” so special?

By Ben Konuch “Why is it that only those who have never fought in a battle are so eager to be in one?” When the first adaptation of James Clavell’s influential 1975 novel “Shogun” premiered as a miniseries in 1980, it took the television world by storm. “Shogun” not only aimed to capitalize on Clavell’s highly successful story of death, deceit and culture set in feudal Japan, but to bring the story to the small screen in a way audiences had never seen before. The crafting ...

‘Unsung Hero’ fosters a strong character-audience connection and prompts contemplation about your faith

By Esther Fultz Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like everything that could possibly go wrong did? To be completely honest, I felt like I did last week when I left my phone at home and misplaced my Macbook charger at the same time and as a result missed a coffee date with my friend. If you can relate to this, the beginning of “Unsung Hero” depicts a situation you could consider similar - just a little more intense. When talent manager David Smallbone’s career takes ...

‘X-Men ‘97’ embraces and elevates the original series

By Janie Walenda Before the times of live-action cinematic universes, superhero stories were ruled by the worlds of animated cartoons.  In the 90s, Batman, Spider-Man and the X-Men all received iconic cartoon series that are still beloved today. While cartoon superhero shows are still being made, they’ve certainly taken the backseat to live-action blockbusters. “X-Men ’97,” a continuation of the animated series that started in 1992 and ended 27 years ago, makes a compelling ...

Senior Sunday: Grace Burch

By Esther Fultz Grace Burch is a senior psychology student at Cedarville University. When reflecting on the past four years, she most appreciates the spiritual growth and transformation she has experienced. “I’d say obviously the focus on Christ is the biggest thing for me,” Burch said. “And kind of going off that is the community here, it’s something that’s been really transformative in my time at Cedarville. The friendships that I’ve made and the professors that I’ve ...

New President, Vice President, and Chaplain elected to SGA for ‘24-25 school year 

By Zoe Ekeh  The Student Government Association (SGA) has had elections for new students to take on  positions for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year. On March 21st a new SGA  President, Vice President and Chaplain were elected. All these positions play important roles in  SGA. They help make decisions that impact the student body throughout the academic year.  Cedarville juniors Felipe Mayta, Jill Alexander, and Trey Storr are all happy to be  a part of SGA ...

‘The Bad Batch’ season three kicks it up to a 99

By Janie Walenda Within the past several years, whatever focus the Star Wars franchise may have possessed has been on the period of time after the rise of the Empire and before the events of “A New Hope.” Past successes like “Rebels” and “Rogue One” led to newer projects like “Kenobi” and “Andor,” as well as the follow-up to “The Clone Wars,” “The Bad Batch.” Together these stories paint a picture of the rise of the Empire and its totalitarian grip on the galaxy. ...

‘The Christians’ is brilliantly thought-provoking

By Isaac Steward When I talked with Rachel Richardson, the director of Cedarville’s most recent senior theater production, she was fairly open about what I should expect from her show. However, the show took me by surprise all the same, immersing the audience in its church setting before I even took my seat, starting the show with a time of worship. It was only after we'd finished singing and Pastor Paul (played by Timothy Anderson) came up to the pulpit when the show really started.&nb...