By Danielle Cherry
Anything is possible within the multiverse. “What If…?” explores the endless possibilities within the Marvel universe, following beloved characters in unique team-ups and stories that set this animated series apart from the other Marvel TV shows and movies. Here, anything goes, even the most ludicrous.
“What If…?” is a controversial series among Marvel fans, garnering much hate and love at the same time. I was surprised that the TV show was renewed for a third season, but delighted to see Marvel stepping up both their storytelling and animation reach.
The series follows stories told by the Watcher, a being outside of space and time who observes the multiverse. Originally, this series opened up the viewers’ eyes to the multiverse and its variations on beloved stories. In this season, the series serves to entertain the viewer with its whimsical stories of our favorite characters.
“What If…?” was a major leap of faith for Marvel Studios, trying a storytelling technique and animation style never seen before in the universe. As always, the series is driven by the fandom’s deep (and sometimes overwhelming) love for the characters, their emotions and their lives, driving the overall narrative.
Every episode begins with a contextualizing element, shot in a square frame, inviting the viewer into the episode’s particular timeline and context. The Watcher hovers outside of the frame as beautiful visuals explain the story that is about to take place.
To begin, Marvel brings back a character whose story was lost in the fire of Sony Pictures: the Hulk. In this universe, Bruce Banner’s gamma tech causes a seismic disturbance, creating unthinkable monsters that call for some high tech machinery to defeat. At the heart of this episode is the theme of friendship. People who accept us are the greatest heroes, not the ones with the biggest tech.
Team-ups punctuate this series. Characters I never expected to be in the same room make great scene partners. Kingo and Agatha Harkness, completely opposite in personality and moral compass, grace the screen in an interesting Bollywood-style episode. The fans rejoice as Marvel Studios brings back the Celestial beings that made their first appearance in “Eternals,” as viewers have long believed Marvel had forgotten their existence.

My favorite episode by far came in the form of two Russian Hydra operatives: the Winter Soldier and the Red Guardian. The way Bucky and Alexei bounced off of each other’s personalities had me laughing so hard. Bucky, an almost wordless operative with a reserved disposition, paired with Alexei’s loudmouth Russian doctrine and exuberance, made me wonder how many other characters were so similar in storyline despite their differences.
As a Marvel fanatic, I have always loved the many cameos and flashbacks that“What If…?” brings, and this season went even further than the previous ones. Characters from the past and their iconic scenes are redone in a heartfelt and reminiscent way. “What If…?” is truly what fans expected from “Multiverse of Madness,” in terms of cameos.
Marvel is well known (maybe not all of phase four) for their animation ability. Taking on a comic book style, “What If…?” pushes their animators’ talent to the maximum. Using a split screen to show different perspectives and never shying away from color, the style makes the viewer feel the emotion throughout the episode. The level of detail in every facial expression and movement impacts the audience, showing real emotion in the animated characters.
I was amazed by the animators’ ability to hide The Watcher seamlessly within the background. I found my eyes spotting him in random corners of tender moments, emphasizing his role as lead throughout the series. Though he uses few words, The Watcher runs the show, guiding the viewer through incredible journeys of the unknown and unexplored characters in the Sacred Timeline.

“What If…?” may be controversial, but it is a wonderful watch for a true Marvel fan. At the heart of every episode is the love that the viewers have for the characters. It’s not necessarily stories about their situations but who the characters are at their core. “What If…?” could not have been possible without the effort Marvel has put into creating characters that are so different and so real that the audience can’t wait to see them again.
Go watch “What If…?.” Whether you are new to Marvel, or a fan that has lost all hope, “What If…?” renews imagination by emphasizing themes of friendship and teamwork. At its core, it reveals insights about characters and sides we have never seen before. Following The Watcher and seeing how things could have been throughout The Sacred Timeline allows viewers to ponder questions in their own lives, even asking, “What If…?”
What If…? is currently streaming on Disney+
Danielle Cherry is a freshman Communications major and writer for Cedars A&E and Sports. She is a Missionary Kid from Germany and loves a good cup of coffee, as well as a good Marvel talk.
Photos courtesy of Marvel Entertainment
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