Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes: Between Borders pre-screening event 

By Chelsea McKanna

Despite snow and cold temperatures, the DeVries theater drew a group of over 50 students and faculty together to watch a pre-screening of the film Between Borders, written and produced by Isaac Norris. The event, organized by Assistant Professor of Broadcasting, Digital Media, and Journalism Sean O’Connor, took place on Friday, January 10 at 7:00 p.m.

Just over an hour and a half, Between Borders is a true story about an Armenian family fleeing first Azerbaijan and then Russia due to racial and religious persecution. Norris himself is a close friend of the family that lies at the center of Between Borders and has known them for over 30 years. It is a personal story.

O’Connor helped to organize movie screenings like this in the past, but Between Borders proved unique as O’Connor encountered it without a Cedarville connection. O’Connor saw the movie at the International Christian Visual Media Storytellers Conference in October and wanted to support the movie by sharing it with the broader Cedarville community. 

In the Q&A following the screening, Norris was asked about his hopes for what the audience will take away from the film. He replied:

“I hope that through the telling of this story people can put themselves in other people’s shoes.” 

That was a clear theme throughout the night as soon after, an audience member asked the best way to empathize with those in a situation similar to the family in the film. Norris answered that the first step is asking themselves questions like, ‘What would that be like,’ and ‘How would that feel?’

Norris also added that full understanding may never come, and that is okay too. 

“As a Christian, we’re called to love and care,” Norris said.

When asked about reconciling a desire to help with the reality of limited resources, Norris explained that loving and supporting victims comes first and the rest follows. For him, politics was never the main focus, but instead empathy.

“I hope that our students will be inspired to tell others about Jesus, no matter who or where they are.” O’Connor said, when asked about what he hopes students take away from the movie. “As this screening takes place at the end of GO Conference, I believe that the film will be a final reminder of how many people around the world, in very different life circumstances than our own, also need to hear the Gospel.”

O’Connor closed the Q&A by asking how students and faculty could support the film. Norris’ response was simple: Watch Between Borders in theaters, tell your friends and family and pray for those who come to see the film. 

The film comes out in theaters January 26-28 and interested students can go watch it in theaters in Beavercreek or Huber Heights.

Chelsea McKanna is a Sophomore Professional Writing and Information Design major with a minor in Missions. She spends her free time with friends or sipping coffee with a new book to read. 

Photos by Preston Cavin

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