By Sam Sofio
“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together,” is the well-known proverb that junior Marketing major Abigail Frances’ dad has always taught her.
Born in Kolkata, India, Frances has enjoyed a vibrant culture that cherishes genuine relationships and puts family first.
“You can see that in the tapestry of our culture,” Frances said. “Our weather is warm, but so are our hearts and our love for other people.”
One of the ways they show this love for one another is through an open home and savory food. In the United States, renters rarely build close relationships with their landlords, but in India, some families will eat with their landlords, with their bankers, and even with their police officers.
“That’s the thing about India,” Frances said. “Your home is always open for others to come in.”
Frances sees India’s love for the family and love for one another reflected in the clothes they wear and the food they eat. Whether it is their vibrant orange, yellow, or red clothes, savory and colorful foods, or unique music, India fosters a culture of familial love.
Not only has Frances found a family culture in India, but above all, she has found a family in Christ.
In 2016, when Frances was in the sixth grade, she knew about God, but she struggled with insecurity. In her struggle, she wanted to stand out in the midst of 4,000 other girls in her school. However, when Frances saw how she fell short academically compared to others, she became distressed.
“I told my mom all of this with my other family members there,” Frances said. “My mom told me something that changed my life forever; she said, ‘Jesus is your identity, take it to Him,’ and I did. That changed my life forever because I started seeing Jesus and putting him as number one, as my friend and as my guide in life.”
During this time, Frances gained a heart for hearing the Word of God, applying it to her life, and advancing the Kingdom of God.
Frances is thankful for the pillars God has put in her life who have helped her grow in her faith.
“The whole reason why I am here today and who I am today is because of my grandmother praying and my parents praying,” Frances said. “Because their tears and their prayers are being heard, so even when I am faltering and even when I am not praying, I know there is a backing always there for me.”
In 2022, Frances found yet another family, but this time in the United States. When Frances and her family were looking for a college for her to attend, Frances’ uncle, who lived in America and whose kids attended Cedarville University, told them about Cedarville.
“I saw Cedarville’s website, and I just knew that God wanted me here,” Frances said.
Before Frances knew it, she had arrived in the United States for the second time in her life and attended Cedarville’s International Student Orientation and Getting Started Week. Although Frances was a little overwhelmed, she was encouraged when she met other international students.
“It was fantastic; because of the orientation, I got to meet so many international students,” Frances said. “We connected and bonded like family. It’s like we are all one in this together.”
Frances has found a home at Cedarville where she can love her family of brothers and sisters in Christ both from the United States and from around the world.
“When I came to Cedarville my first year, and my second year, I was a little disconnected in my faith with the Lord, but the beautiful thing is that I always had His Words around me. If I were in a secular school, I would have been so caught up with the busyness of life that I would have forgotten about my God, but the beautiful thing about Cedarville is that they made sure that I did not. Everybody is there to lift you up and to be the wind beneath your wings.”
Sam Sofio is a sophomore Professional Writing and Information Design major. He enjoys conversations about the love of Christ and aspires to write for a Christian organization.
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