‘Last Breath’ ushers in a new twist on the thriller genre

By Danielle Cherry 

Based on the true story of deep diver Chris Lemons, (Finn Cole) “Last Breath” takes a twist on the typical thriller genre, portraying a heartfelt yet gripping story in a way atypical to Hollywood productions. 

Deep sea diving is the most dangerous job in the world, and the film makes that very clear. The story follows Chris Lemons and his crew of Duncan Allcock (Woody Harrelson) and David Yuasa (Simu Liu) while they prepare to fix a deep sea pipe. 

When first given the job of deep sea diving Chris was excited to be promoted from deck hand, but on his second dive ever with mentor Duncan and the new member David, Chris is panicked and uncertain of himself. 

Chris, David and Duncan exude a tremendous calm despite the situations they are faced with. The upper deck crew does everything they can to make the divers job safer, but ultimately it’s up to the divers to keep each other safe and calm. 

The dynamic between all the characters pushes the story forward in the midst of all the tension. Duncan is a steady rock, guiding and encouraging all his teammates, cracking jokes to lighten the mood of this dark profession. Whereas David is cold, fighting emotions he doesn’t want to reveal and rejecting any help he is offered. 

Finn Cole’s acting portrays emotions untouched by words

Finn Cole’s portrayal of Chris was refined and depicted emotions without grandeur, befitting the somber situation. Subtle yet potent, his tearful scenes had everyone on the edge of their seats. Woody Harrelson brought a steady presence, being the mentor both as his character and in real life. Simu Liu’s callousness was something I had never seen on screen before, yet he stepped into this character with ease. 

The film starts with a grim portrayal of the ending, filming with deep sea cameras heightening the scene’s intensity and realism. The use of porthole cameras and smaller, pixelated content added to the overall feel of claustrophobia and discomfort these divers experience. 

The filming style was brilliant, focusing on close up images and places on the ship where cameras for security would be found. The underwater filming was top notch, tracking characters through action, not allowing space for the audience to get disoriented in the murky waters. 

Throughout the movie the question of risk is at stake: is this job worth the risk, is it worth it to risk everyone to save one person? When a horrific storm takes over the seas the crew both below and above face the questions of what and who to prioritize. 

The whole movie was terrifying, living up to its thriller name but in a different way. Typically thrillers follow a plot of one bad thing coming right after the other, always leaving the audience waiting for another twist. But “Last Breath” told the story in a documentary style, not pushing entertainment for plot, but telling a genuine story. 

Despite the shortness of the film the reality of the job and that these characters are real people hits the viewer with a force that knocks tears out of your eyes. 

The use of silence was used well within this film, quieting the screen for intimate moments of characters on the brink of death, tuning us into their thoughts and feelings from long held camera stares. The film also played off of the desperation of losing time by adding countdowns to major events, adding to the thriller elements. 

The detailed costuming of deep-sea diving equipment is incredible

The movie plays into the name it is given, making characters in intense moments take purposefully deep breaths underwater, always calling to mind that moment that could be their last. 

“Last Breath,” despite its thriller nature, is a story about teamwork and loyalty and the love the characters have for each other. There are moments when individuals stand out in this film, for the acting or for their characters’ heroic deeds, but at the core the whole ensemble is woven together in such a way that nothing about this job could have happened without their surrounding teammates. 

What is beautiful about this film is the way it portrays this true story in a way that just tells the story. Promoting themes of teamwork and courage, this film is great for anyone seeking a thrill. “Last Breath” won’t win any awards, but the storyline is so refreshing from the race for entertainment. Just don’t forget that you can breathe freely when you watch the film. 

“Last Breath” is currently in theaters

Danielle Cherry is a freshman Communications major and writer for Cedars A&E and Sports. She is a Missionary Kid from Germany and loves a good cup of coffee.

Images courtesy of Focus Features 

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