year : 2025 44 results

A character driven show causes viewers to ponder; ‘What If…?’ 

By Danielle Cherry Anything is possible within the multiverse. “What If…?” explores the endless possibilities within the Marvel universe, following beloved characters in unique team-ups and stories that set this animated series apart from the other Marvel TV shows and movies. Here, anything goes, even the most ludicrous. “What If…?” is a controversial series among Marvel fans, garnering much hate and love at the same time. I was surprised that the TV show was ...

‘Gladiator II:’ We are entertained, but we should be feeling something stronger

By Ben Konuch “A man does not become emperor by bloodline alone. It must be taken by force and kept by force! Are you such a man as this?” I really, really wanted to love “Gladiator II.” As one of 2024’s flashiest blockbusters and a sequel to one of the most famous historical action films ever made, “Gladiator II” had a lot going for it. As iconic director Ridley Scott stepped back into the world of ancient Rome with a new, star-studded cast, I found myself thoroughly ...

‘Maria’ is a borderline insulting waste of time

By Isaac Steward This review contains spoilers for “Maria” “Maria” is a 2024 biographical psychological drama, following the final week of Maria Callas, widely considered to be the greatest female opera singer of the 20th century, Maria Callas, before her death at the age of 53 in 1977. By this time in Maria’s life, she has long been retired from the stage, inflicted by a mysterious illness that has diminished her once legendary voice. Despite this, she still longs to sing, ...

‘Wicked: Part 1’ defies expectations

By Sophia Monastra As I researched this movie, two thoughts ran through my mind: “This movie is how long?” and “What do you mean this is part 1?” Full disclosure, I’ve never seen the musical “Wicked” due to limited finances, (or “Wizard of Oz” due to generational trauma from flying monkeys but that’s another matter), but research shows that the musical is around three hours long. The movie is two and a half hours for Part 1. Surely the filmmakers had to be adding ...