Biophysics Society Promotes Biblical Worldview in Science

by Noah Tang

Early last semester, several faculty members and science majors started the Biophysics Association (BPA) at Cedarville University. It functions as the Cedarville chapter of the global Biophysical Society (BPS). Both organizations exist to promote a better understanding of how physics intersects with other fields of science. 

On its website, the Biophysical Society defines biophysics as “The field that applies the theories and methods of physics to understand how biological systems work.”

Senior physics major and co-head of the BPA event committee Nathan Lee encapsulates the mission of the BPA student chapter in particular: “To promote student interest in studying creation through the various scientific disciplines, in collaboration with scientists from different fields, for the glory of Christ.” The BPA places a heavy emphasis on how creation science and biophysics can relate to each other.

Sophomore molecular biology student Kyra Becker concurs: “For this student chapter, the mission is exploring how the different facets of science work together from a biblical perspective.”

Becker oversees the publicity efforts that BPA undertakes and runs its social media accounts. Although she is technically not an officer, she reports to Izzy Coiro, the vice president of the chapter. Junior physics major Ethan Doerstling serves as the president of this student organization. Other students, including Lee, serve in other leadership roles; while Dr. Mohan Pereira is the faculty advisor to the org., as well as its original visionary.

Lee considers Pereira’s guidance to be indispensable for the founding of the BPA. He says, “The original concept came up over a Zoom call last summer that Dr. Pereira had with the physics majors. He mentioned starting this student org. in the fall.”

In the months since its launch, many students in various science-related departments joined the BPA.

Becker explains the rationale behind her involvement: “I like science a lot. I heard it was a global organization and features different aspects of science. And I wanted to help out with starting up the new org.” She continues, “BPA is a good outlet to learn about other majors and meet people in them and see how their field fits into the world and the workings of it.”

Lee has a similar reason for joining the BPA. “I joined because I’m interested in the vision of the BPS organization, and I wanted to help promote that vision,” he says.

Indeed, as part of his work with the BPA , Lee attended the yearly BPS conference in San Francisco this past February. Pereira and his family accompanied Lee. At the conference, Lee was among dozens of fellow college students and presented a research project that he and several colleagues had worked on throughout the school year. Overall, he found the conference to be quite an illuminating experience.

The BPA also puts on events regularly throughout the school year. This past October, they held an org. dinner and went bowling afterward. They planned a Fall Jamboree in November, which featured games, snacks and a talk by Dr. Heather Kuruvilla. In February, BPA sponsored a Zoom lecture from Dr. Cole Knox on cardiovascular engineering. Finally, they hosted a panel on science and Scripture last month. The speakers were Drs. Steven Gollmer and Tom Hutchinson of Cedarville University; and Dr. Georgia Purdom of Answers in Genesis, who is also a Cedarville alumna.

The BPA is now looking to produce its slate of events for next year. They can be followed on Instagram at @cubiophysics, and on Facebook as well.


Noah Tang is a graduate student majoring in Biblical Leadership, and a writer for Cedars. He likes to spend time with friends, study theology and watch movies.

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