DTR to Perform on October 25 at Thursday Night Live

by Summer Lange

On October 25, DTR will be performing during Thursday Night Live in Stinger’s.

DTR, or Define the Relationship, is an improv comedy group of 10 members who play and perform improvisation games in their monthly improv shows. Jacob Tanner, a senior biology major and the leader of the group, stated that their purpose is “to honor God and to serve the community of Cedarville through God’s gift of laughter.”

One of their newest members, Philip Gammie, a freshman communication major, explained that being involved in DTR helps him to stay positive throughout the week. He is grateful for the chance to cultivate his creativity while also promoting a fun light-heartedness across campus through the shows. Emily Entner, a senior Visual Communication Design major, and Elena Hein, a fourth-year Nursing major, expressed similar sentiments, saying that DTR is a chance for them to relax from schoolwork and enjoy making jokes and laughing with friends. “It’s a family,” Tanner remarked. “We love getting together every week and just talking, laughing, catching up and goofing off for an hour or two. It’s the highlight of my week.”

When Thursday Night Lives started up again this fall, DTR was one of the first groups to be included on the list of acts the Student Center Activity Board hoped to have perform. “The idea behind Thursday Night Lives is to give students a break from the long week and their homework to have a relaxing time,” says Graham Benefiel, a junior Education major and a leader of Thursday Night Live. He explained that the event has become an opportunity for students and student groups to show off their talents. Benefiel says he hopes bringing DTR to the Stinger’s stage on October 25 will help widen the comedy group’s audience. Tanner, Entner, and Hein also expressed their hopes that being involved in Thursday Night Live will give them the chance to connect and interact even more with their audience than they do with their normal shows.

For those already familiar with DTR, there will be a few surprises in store. Most of the events of the night remain under wraps, but Benefiel explained that along with their normal skits, DTR’s Thursday Night Live will feature SGA members and a tarp. “Things are going to get a little bit messy,” says Tanner.

Entner expressed her excitement for the night since she is not always able to get involved in events on campus. “But this one we can, and I’m pretty stoked,” she said. She looks forward to the intimate setting that will allow DTR to “be there with people instead of being there for people” and let the audience “help shape the show in a way that they [as the audience] want or need to.”

DTR will be performing for Thursday Night Live in Stinger’s on October 25 from 7pm to 9pm. Stop in for a chance to watch some of Cedarville’s students put on a show filled with laughs, guest appearances and fun antics.


Summer Lange is a freshman mechanical engineering major and an arts and entertainment reporter for Cedars. She enjoys wearing sweaters, reading, watching Pixar movies, and is constantly becoming obsessed with new musicals.

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