Arts and Entertainment 676 results

“Ad Astra” Review

By Hunter Johnson Brad Pitt is one of Hollywood’s most versatile actors. . He’s played a cowboy, an ancient Greek hero, a secret spy, a psychopath, a guy who ages backwards, the list goes on. It only makes sense that he would eventually play a futuristic astronaut. “Ad Astra,” starring Pitt and directed by James Gray, tells the story of Roy, an extremely reserved man who feels disconnected from the world, including his family. Tommy Lee Jones plays Roy’s father, Clifford, who ...

100 Students Attend Worship Camp

The CU summer camp prepares high-schoolers to be musicians by Kristen Farley Cedarville’s two-week Worship Camp hosted over 100 high school students this summer, making it one of the largest academic camps the university offers. In 2009, Dr. Roger O’Neel, assistant chair of Worship and associate professor of Worship, and Jim Cato, associate vice president of Christian Ministries, founded the camps with the desire to see high school students equipped to serve their local churches with ...

Students Dress to Express Beliefs on Abortion

The Message Dress movement hopes to shift the abortion conversation from hate to love by Zach Krauss During winter break of 2018, Sue Edwards brainstormed ways to positively impact the conversations about abortion. She developed an idea that is now known on campus and in pro-life communities across the country as the Message Dress. Edwards' original creation was a dress covered in baby clothes. As the movement has spread, some began wearing an ordinary dress with an article of baby ...

Jazz Band Puts On Classic Homecoming Performance

By Michael Cleverley The Jazz band of Cedarville University transported us back to the good old days of swing last Friday in the BTS atrium. They played songs from the all time greats of Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, and Michael Philip Mossman. The band is an example of jazz making a comeback in modern culture. At the start of the concert the conductor stated that the concert was going to be a tribute to Glenn Miller, a musician from the swing era, and that most of the songs would be ones he ...

“The Peanut Butter Falcon” Review

By Hunter Johnson In “The Peanut Butter Falcon,” writers and directors Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz turn what could’ve been a standard retelling of the Huckleberry Finn story into a modern tale of discovery between a redneck fisherman and a runaway person with Down Syndrome.  Zak (played by Zack Gottsagen) is in his early twenties and has been treated differently his whole life because he has Down Syndrome.  Having no family to look after him, he lives in a retirement home, ...

Fisher Duo Uses Performances to Inspire

by Michael Cleverly Christopher Fisher established and directs a program called Project Inspirare because they want to reach this generation and the generation to come with a passion for classical music.  One way Christopher and his wife, Katherine, try to do this is through public piano performances, like the one they gave Thursday in the Dixon Ministry’s Center Recital Hall.  Christopher and Kathrine Fisher played about twenty-five songs by four different composers: Samuel Barber, ...

Encountering New Worlds

Cedarville’s musical faculty to showcase their talents for students throughout the year By Katie Milligan The Cedarville University Musical Department’s performing faculty members are continuing the annual Faculty Recital Series into the 2019-2020 school year with a focus on glorifying God through their talent, educating students about music, and communicating a deep love for their craft.  The Faculty Recital series kicked off on September 6th with the Elias piano-violin duo. It will ...

Movie Review: ‘Shazam!’

by Hunter Johnson DC has always had a rough time in their cinematic side of things. Nearly all of the thirty films released by the company over the last four decades — with the exception of less than 10 Superman and Batman films — has been critically panned as unsuccessful attempts at filmmaking. This all changed in 2017 when “Wonder Woman” was released, becoming the first non-Superman, non-Batman DC film to receive worldwide acclaim. The next year, “Aquaman” released, and while ...

Play Review: ‘The Spitfire Grill’

by Katie Milligan Cedarville University’s spring musical, “The Spitfire Grill,” is an engrossing tale of tragedy and brokenness, but ultimately a thrilling story of hope, healing and reconciliation. The production begins with Perchance “Percy” Talbot (played by Emily Hunnemeyer) arriving at midnight to the middle-of-nowhere town of Gilead, Wisconsin. She has just completed a five-year stint in prison, and her parole officer Sheriff Joe Sutter (Byron Mrowiec) lands her a job as a ...

Event Preview: Juried Art Exhibition

by Kaileigh Willis The Department of Art, Design, and Theater’s Juried Art and Design Exhibition is sure to captivate Cedarville students when it opens on April 8 in the Steven Student’s Center. The annual Juried Art and Design Exhibition displays around 100 pieces of recent work created and submitted by students who are currently enrolled in art or design classes at Cedarville University. These pieces are evaluated and judged by the department’s faculty and selected to be displayed ...