Review 381 results

‘Halloween Kills’ Delivers on Its Gruesome Title

By Sam Acosta The relatively solid second installment in the “Halloween” reboot series acts as a bridge between the first film and the planned finale slated to come out next year. With an intriguing plot and a rather heartbreaking scene about the reality of human nature, I found this film to be an entertaining addition to the franchise. That said, the gore is unnecessarily gratuitous and over-the-top, especially when compared to the film’s predecessor. Obviously, this is a slasher ...

‘The Guilty’ is a Gripping Thriller about the Importance of Truth

By Ben Hiett This heart-pounding psychological thriller opens with the text of John 8:32 written in journalistic print across a black screen: “And the truth shall make you free.”  “The Guilty,” a remake of a Danish film of the same name, shows us the importance of having the whole truth, as far too often, we can treat our assumptions as fact until they come crashing down around us when we come to see the bigger picture. The film opens on a city on the brink; raging wildfires have ...

‘Diana: The Musical’ Is a Royal Mess

By Janie Walenda There is no shortage of dramatizations of Princess Diana's life.  “The Crown” introduced her in its most recent season to great success, and “Spencer” was lauded by critics when it premiered at the Venice International Film Festival in early September.  Diana’s story remains one of the most intriguing and complex of the 20th century, and sadly, “Diana: The Musical” waters it down to nearly nothing. To start, the music is just bad.  There’s no rhythm to ...

Like Its Anti-Hero, ‘Venom: Let There Be Carnage’ is Chaotic, Violent and Better Than You’d Expect

By Chris Karenbauer [Editor’s Note: This review contains mild spoilers] “Eddie, you feel like home to me. Like family,” said Cletus Kasidy, the main antagonist in “Venom: Let There Be Carnage.” It embodies the relationship between Kasidy and Eddie Brock as well as between Brock and Venom. Venom is one of Spider-Man’s most well-known adversaries. The creature Venom is an alien who finds a symbiotic host in Eddie Brock. It’s been a while since the first movie’s release ...

‘What If…?’ Sticks the Landing to Deliver An Epic Finale

By Janie Walenda In true MCU fashion, “What If… The Watcher Broke His Oath?” is not only a continuation of last week’s episode, but it also brings in characters from each of the previous episodes for an epic team-up. Similar to the zombie episode, the best part of this episode is the team.  The Guardians of the Multiverse have great comedic and dramatic chemistry, and I would love to see them team up again in the future.  The initial team that the Watcher and Strange Supreme put ...

A Phenomenal Anime Project: Ranking the ‘Star Wars: Visions’ Episodes

By Nick Ratliff “Star Wars: Visions” is a new anime anthology series consisting of nine episodes, each made by a different animation studio. I recommend watching these episodes in Japanese with English subtitles, as the English voice acting gets a little choppy and awkward at times. Some episodes have better animation than others but overall, most of them were well-realized and aesthetically pleasing. It’s important to note these stories are not canon in the “Star Wars” universe. ...

‘Anne of Green Gables’ Is Full of Humor and Heart

By Janie Walenda L.M. Montgomery’s “Anne of Green Gables” is an iconic children’s story that has been adapted for stage and film countless times.  Cedarville University’s production, using a script adapted by Peter Delaurier, expertly weaves this classic tale of friendship, family, and forgiveness. The plot of “Anne of Green Gables” is fairly straightforward.  An orphan girl named Anne, brought by mistake to Prince Edward Island in Canada, is adopted by siblings Matthew and ...

‘What If…?’ Retrospective: Episode Three Tells a Dark but Hopeful Tale

by Noah Tang The third episode of “What If…?” pivots from the relatively light and cheerful tone of the first two episodes. It tells the story of how five of the six original Avengers are brutally murdered during the events of Fury’s Big Week, the seven-day period in which the films “Iron Man 2,” “Thor,” and “The Incredible Hulk” all take place. In the original timeline, this week was crucial in that it encompassed the formation of the Avengers. However, this alternate ...

‘Dear Evan Hansen’ is an Impactful Film Critics Just Don’t Understand

By Sam Acosta “Dear Evan Hansen” is a beautiful adaptation that brings the same big emotions that the original musical did. While some of the most popular songs are missing from the film, the story is still largely intact and communicated well. The new songs written for the film are also well written and well placed within the story's narrative. The movie follows Evan, a high school senior struggling with depression and anxiety, whose therapist has instructed him to write letters of ...

‘What If…?’ Retrospective: Episode Two Honors Chadwick Boseman’s Legacy

By Noah Tang Episode two achieves a pleasantly surprising mixture of the “Black Panther” and “Guardians of the Galaxy” franchises, exploring what would have happened if T’Challa became Star-Lord instead of Peter Quill. In this timeline, Yondu Udonta delegates the task of finding Peter Quill to Kraglin and Taserface, who botch the job and take a young T’Challa by mistake. Surprisingly, the young Wakandan prince is not at all frightened by this experience and takes up Yondu’s offer ...