Campus News 432 results

ELML Gives Staff and Students a Chance to Love Their Neighbors

By Hannah Day Cedarville University’s staff and students will be sharing the spirit of love and friendship of Valentine’s Day by assembling packages to help those in need at the Love Your Neighbor event. This year’s event is the second annual Love Your Neighbor event held at the university, hosted by the English Literature and Modern Languages department. The purpose of this event is to remind students that there are more types of love to celebrate on Valentine’s Day than romantic ...

The Foreign Film Series Kicks Off It’s 14th Year This Month

by Gary Phillips In 2004 Dan Clark, Associate professor of English, and Andrew Wiseman, Professor of Spanish,  came up with the idea of the Foreign Film Series, a selection of films that are produced in other countries that show the culture in which they are filmed. After gaining approval in spring of 2004, they were able to fund the first series through a gift from the Student Life department and they were able to screen the first film in spring of 2005. Since the first semester, the FFS has ...

Students Care More About Who They Live With Than Where

by Shelby McGuire Dorm selections for the 2018-2019 school year are quickly approaching, and it’s time for students to start thinking about where they want to live--or rather, who they want to live with. The deciding factor for dorm selections for most students is the community. For some, dorm selections are a no brainer--they’ve had the perfect room in their favorite dorm for the past few years, and they aren’t moving an inch. Others, however, are ready for a change and a new ...

CU Student Philip White Appears on the Steve Harvey Show

By Jonathan Still Philip White, a sophomore computer science major, demonstrated his yo-yo tricks two weeks ago on the Steve Harvey Show in Los Angeles. The segment was taped on the 11th of January and was shown on TV last Tuesday afternoon. “It was not as nerve wracking as you might expect,” White said. “It wasn’t live in front of national TV, but it was still pretty nerve wracking, because you know it was going to be on something.” White was battling two other yo-yo champi...

Cedarville Initiates Seminars to Help Students Proclaim Truth

by Hannah Day The Center for Biblical Apologetics and Public Christianity of Cedarville University has been organizing and hosting several apologetics seminars allowing students to engage during the academic year. Topics so far have included “Is Christianity Good for the World?,” “Is Christianity Rational?,” “The Christian View of Artistry,” and “Christianity and Race.” The next seminar, “Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?” will be held on Thursday, January ...

Invisible Servants

The Ops Team serves Cedarville behind the scenes by Zach Krauss Cedarville University’s Student Life Programs owes their many successful events to the behind-the-scenes, student-led group of workers known as the Ops Team. Ops stands for operations, and heading up operations is exactly what this team does. The team is made up of eight student workers, two of whom act as executive officers. These executive officers help their leader, Brian Burns, director of Campus Experience, sort work ...

Cato Receives Providential Surgery

by Zach Krauss Jim Cato experienced a providential brain surgery during Cedarville’s recent mission trip to Houston.  Cato, associate vice president of Christian Ministries at Cedarville University, went with students to help with Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. But Cato’s Fall Break plans changed on the Wednesday of the trip. He reported headaches and migraines and went to an urgent care center. He was informed that he was dehydrated. They gave him fluids and sent him on his way. As ...

Students Serve Houston After Harvey

by Zach Krauss Over fall break, 32 Cedarville students and three staff members ministered to those affected in Houston, Texas by Hurricane Harvey. The trip was led by staff members Keith Holcomb, assistant director for Global Outreach; Jim Cato, associate vice president of Christian Ministries; and Deborah Brown, UMS receptionist. The trip began on Oct. 14, before fall break officially started. Students from every year and multiple majors were excused from classes in to go on the trip. ...

Campus Experience Turns One

Student Life Programs and Event Services finish first year as combined group by Zach Krauss Last November, the office of Student Life Programs and Event Services officially joined forces under the office of Campus Experience. Event Services works to create on-campus events for off-campus guests, many of which were oriented to grade-school students. Student Life Programs includes groups such as SCAB, the information desk, and Rinnova, which together comprise a large group of hired students ...

Cedarville’s Chapel Honors Veterans

By Brianna Saucier Almost 100 veterans attended Cedarville’s annual Veteran’s Day chapel on Friday, Nov. 10. The annual Veteran’s Day chapel is a way for Cedarville to honor those who served in the armed forces. This year, the chapel was and was led by Army Air Corp. veteran Dr. Cliff Johnson and accompanied by the Cedarville Jazz Band. The band performed several numbers to commemorate the country’s 98th celebration of Veteran’s Day and looked at how music influenced the war ...