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Summer Film Recap: Anna Harman’s summer of nostalgic, moving and eye-opening movies

By Anna Harman Despite all of the great films and TV shows that came out over the summer, three movies stuck out to me the most: “Barbie,”  “The Little Mermaid” and “Sound of Freedom.”  Barbie (Margot Robbie) and Ken (Ryan Gosling) did a fun dance number at the beginning of “Barbie.”  “Barbie” was arguably the movie of the summer. I saw so many people of all ages dressed up in elaborate all-pink outfits and they’d come with huge groups to see the movie. The ...

Letter from the editor

Dear Reader, I have a confession. At least once a week, I ask myself the question: Why am I in journalism school? As a well-informed, reading-literature-in-my-field, journalist-in-training, (those are definitely all compound modifiers) it’s impossible to avoid headlines like “ESPN Parts Ways with Another Longtime Host After Mass Layoffs” or “The Athletic Lays Off 20 Journalists in Reorganization.” The landscape of journalism, not just on college campuses, is shifting under my ...

Mistakes loom large in Yellow Jackets loss, drop three straight sets in 3-1 defeat

By: Julia Swain  The once tightly packed bleachers of just over 1100 fans quickly dissipated as the 3-1 Cedarville loss to the visiting Braves came to a close. Despite a relentless effort and high energy from fans and players alike, the Yellow Jackets were unable to string much of anything together and dropped the final three sets to ultimately lose the match.  Head coach Greg Smith recognized one area in particular that he felt his team needed to work on.  “The biggest ...

Student Orgs at Cedarville University that you might not have heard of

By Esther Fultz Cedarville University’s student organizations are one of the many things that make campus life interesting and unique.  At the beginning of every year, the university holds an Involvement fair that features local churches and ministries as well as gives students the opportunity to learn about orgs focusing on sports, academics, and other interests. Some orgs appear year after year and are well known to campus; others, like the ones below, are brand new to campus....

Involvement Fair ’23 Photo Gallery

Students gathered together on Aug. 25th to share the different opportunities on campus that they are a part of and to hang out and have an amazing Friday evening! Photos taken by Julia Mumford

Ranked table tennis player Ren Murakami finds passion in coaching

By: Alan Brads Table tennis players from Cedarville who volleyed plastic balls for hours every week flooded the rec center’s exercise room, chatting excitedly about who they thought had a chance to win second place in the intramural tournament.  “Second place?” said the intramural supervisor. “Why not first?” “Not today,” said one contestant simply. “Ren’s coming” Growing up in Japan, Ren Murakami played table tennis as often as he could, but not as often ...

‘Bryson the Bison’: Cedarville Alumnus Writes New Children’s Book

By: Maggie Fipps “I just became the bison guy.”  How did Luke Freshwater, Cedarville graduate, military veteran, businessman, and father, become known as the bison guy?  Freshwater became fascinated with the fluffy beasts after he heard about their fearless tendencies. When a storm rolls in, instead of fleeing, a bison gallops into it, facing all its fervor. Prominent people such as Crossfit star Rich Froning co-opted this analogy as a galvanizing statement of courage. ...

Add it to Your Schedule: Weight Training

By: Esther Fultz Before he received any professional training, sophomore Carson Lopes was interested in pursuing weightlifting. But after several of his friends incurred various injuries lifting, he realized he needed to be especially vigilant to practice proper form. To that end, Lopes decided to take Weight Training with Dr. Peterson. Weight Training, a one-credit class taught at Cedarville every spring and fall, is not a traditional classroom course. Although a small portion of ...

Add it to Your Schedule: Rock Climbing

By: Esther Fultz Have you ever wished you had a weekly required study break to learn a new skill and go to the gym with friends? Cedarville University’s rock climbing course provides the opportunity to do just that.  This physical activity course is taught by adjunct instructor Mark Mathews, who is also the Director of Campus Recreation and Facilities. In his 40 years at Cedarville, he has taught over 100 activities classes. “My favorite part of teaching these courses is ...

Cedarville alumnus Paul Hembekides becomes NYT best-selling author

By: Maggie Fipps #7 The number that Paul Hembekides, content producer for ESPN, wore when he played infield for Cedarville Baseball from 2008-2012. The sport, his first love, drew him to Cedarville. Born in Baltimore in 1990, Hembekides grew up in the Orioles’ powerhouse era and looked up to stars like Cal “Iron Man” Ripken Jr. He vividly remembers watching in amazement as Ripken broke the consecutive games played streak.  As a high school senior, he wasn’t ready to ...