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Highlights: Love Your Neighbor

For Valentine's day, the ELML department organized the "Love Your Neighbor" event, where students and staff helped to assemble packages for those in need. Photos by Jessica St. Onge

Highlights: CU on Ice

A look into CU on Ice, an event hosted by Cedarville's School of Business Administration at Chiller Ice Rink in Springfield. Photos by Sarah Vahhoihniang

Highlights: 100 Days Party 2018

A look into the seniors' 100 days party, commemorating 100 days until graduation. Photos by Macey Wymer

Christmas Highlights 2017

A glimpse into the anticipated Christmas festivities that take place every year during the final weeks of Fall semester. Photos by Naomi Harward, Macey Wymer, and Sarah Pennington.

Recap: Org Wars 2017

CU student orgs gather together once again for the annual Org Wars, competing against each other for the 2017 Org Wars crown. - photos by Lydia Wolterman

Veterans Day Chapel 2017

Every year for Veterans Day, Cedarville University hosts a special chapel to recognize and thank veterans for their service. - photos by Naomi Harward

Podcast: Millennials Drawn to Online Subscriptions

Join us for a discussion about the growing numbers of young online news subscribers. Jeff Gilbert, journalism professor at Cedarville University and adviser for Cedars, talks with Cedars staffers Naomi Harward and Callahan Jones about their online news subscriptions and what they like about them.

Recap: Moonlight Madness 2017

Moonlight Madness is an annual CU event kicking off the start of the basketball season and introducing the year's teams. The night is full of music, dancing, contests and, of course, basketball. This year's Moonlightlight Madness was held Saturday night, November 4. - photos by Naomi Harward  

ALT II: Pumpkin, Everywhere

CU hosted its second ALT Night last Friday night, October 27. It featured a variety of activities, including caricatures, laser tag, and pumpkin carving. The movie shown was the 2000 football film, "Remember The Titans", and student leaders passed out pumpkin doughnut holes from Bill's Donuts to be enjoyed during the film and festivities. Rinnova also offered a specialty drink called the "Titan". - photos by Anna Pizarro

Highlights: Junior Jam 2017

Every year, CU invites students 3rd to 6th grade to its campus for an exciting one-day event filled with games, music, and hands-on activities. - photos by Lydia Wolterman