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Cedarville University 1333 results

Pastor Bob Rohm Honored in Cedarville University Chapel on Sept. 16 [VIDEO]

Pastor Bob Rohm, former vice president for Christian ministries, was honored in chapel on Sept. 16 for his 27 years of service at Cedarville University. Some of the people that spoke include Dr. Bill Brown, former president and current chancellor; Jim Cato, a staff member Rohm oversaw; and Christian Figueredo, last year's SGA chaplain. WATCH:

Pastor Rohm’s Legacy Celebrated in Chapel

“Good morning, welcome to chapel.” Those well-known words of Pastor Bob Rohm’s were heard in chapel Sept. 16 for the first time since last spring. Rohm retired this summer, and the chapel service was a time to have different people come and celebrate Rohm’s legacy, President Dr. Thomas White said. “Cedarville University is a better place because of Bob Rohm,” White said during chapel, “and we appreciate your ministry to Cedarville and your love for Cedarville.” During ...

Cedarville Grad Depicted Inaccurately in ‘Zero Dark Thirty’

The recent movie “Zero Dark Thirty” not only depicts the manhunt for Osama bin Laden, but it also portrays the current Cedarville alumna of the year, 1986 graduate Jennifer (Matthews) Anderson, who died in service. Anderson’s character in the film is CIA agent Jessica, played by Jennifer Ehle. Jessica is one of the few female CIA agents that the film depicts. However, Jessica is overshadowed in the film by the central character Maya (another CIA agent played by Jessica Chastain) and is ...