disney 3 results

Scarlett Johansson Lawsuit Exposes Disconnect in Movie Industry

By Josh McClain Hollywood legal battles don’t always bring industry-wide change, but this one just might. Actress Scarlett Johansson made waves in the movie industry on July 29 when she filed a lawsuit against the Walt Disney Company over the release of her feature movie “Black Widow,” as first reported by the Wall Street Journal. Johansson claimed that Disney violated the terms of her contract by releasing the film in theaters and on Disney+ at the same time, thereby limiting the ...

Is Disney Getting Too Powerful?

by Hunter Johnson When Disney bought Pixar, fans had nothing but excitement. When they bought Marvel, fans were cautiously optimistic. When they bought Lucasfilm, that optimism turned to concern. Then they bought 20th Century Fox, one of their biggest competitors in the movie-making industry, fans came to an agreement that Disney’s growth had become downright terrifying. Now, Disney seems to own everything. They sneakily bought the majority shares of ABC and ESPN back in the ‘90s and ...

“Mulan” Review: Visually Stunning Remake Aims to be a Modern Myth, with Mixed Results

by Ben Hiett The first thing I did after seeing Disney’s live-action remake of “Mulan” was go to the source of all useful knowledge, Wikipedia, and look up the Chinese folk ballad on which both this movie and its animated counterpart are based.  I did this because the whole time I was watching this movie, I felt as though I was watching an ancient legend unfold before my eyes. With its sweeping scope, picturesque visuals, and archetypal characters, “Mulan” seeks to tell an ...