Movie Review: ‘Mockingjay Part 2’

The final film based on the “The Hunger Games” series by Suzanne Collins centers around the epic conclusion of Katniss Everdeen’s personal vendetta to assassinate President Snow in the heart of the Capital. “Mockingjay Part 2,” released in theatres Nov. 20, is filled with dynamic events and fast-paced action. It’s a thriller that keeps the viewer enthralled right up until the credits roll.  

The cast’s performances may be better than their performances in the previous three films of the series. Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) is a thrill to watch as he wavers between helping Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and attempting to kill her. The smug interactions of President Snow (Donald Sutherland) with Katniss are continually enjoyable even as he descends into insanity towards the end of the movie.    

The most impressive story line may be that which includes Katniss and Peeta. As Peeta struggles to reclaim his sanity after the events of the previous film, Katniss serves as his security. Peeta continually tests his sense of reality by asking Katniss whether events are “real or not?” These interactions are an intriguing part of the film. The sound is lowered to allow the viewer to focus on the words being spoken by the two characters. The tone is serious as the two try to reestablish the romance they created in the first movie. But Katniss struggles to understand how she should feel about the “new” Peeta as he attempts to return to his former self. She is unclear about her new attitudes and feelings towards him.  

Despite the impressive story line, the film seems to include too many characters. The film includes seemingly pointless characters that were placed within Katniss’s unit that infiltrates the Capital. Though many characters are familiar faces – Finnick Odair (Sam Claflin), Peeta, and Gale Hawthorne (Liam Hemsworth) – the others are characters who receive no development throughout the film, and their fate weighs little on the hearts of viewers. Half of the movie’s runtime consists of such meaningless characters. Many of their deaths are glanced over with no time to truly reflect on the impact of their deaths. As such, the film would not have been greatly impacted if it had not included these characters.

Though readers of the novels may not be surprised by any plot twists, new viewers may be surprised by many of the events in the second half, even with the many hints given throughout the first half of the film. Despite the film’s weaknesses, the movie is a still a heart-racing adventure that many “Hunger Games” fans will enjoy as the culmination of the film trilogy.

Hunter Hensley is a sophomore English major and an arts and entertainment reporter for Cedars. He is an avid gamer who likes to play almost any game under the sun with a group of friends.

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