Alex & Mojade

SGA President and Vice President

by Naomi Harward

It’s no surprise that Alex and Mojade won the hearts (and votes) of so many during SGA elections last year. These two are some of the friendliest, most down-to-earth people you will meet on campus. Unless they’re running late to class or busy with homework, they’re almost always open to stopping to chat with you. They love meeting new people and both share a heart for fostering relationships with their fellow students.

This year, this creative duo is bringing that passion for unity to the table as SGA’s new president and vice president.

“Mojo and I want to fight for inclusivity,” Alex says, “[and] make an effort to involve students who aren’t necessarily in SGA.”

Keeping in line with the theme for the 2017-18 school year ­— “We Are One” — Alex and Mojo are looking to turn the student government on its head. In a good way.

They are exploring fresh, new ways to connect and include the rest of the student body with SGA, opting to reach out to their fellow students for feedback rather than relying on previous leaders’ methods as their model. Their aim is, to borrow Mojade’s words, “[to bring] in everybody to work together as one body [and] use all of our differences together…to accomplish really awesome things.”

The SGA office, where Alex and Mojo will undoubtedly be spending much of their time, has in past years been notorious for being separate from the student body. Many students don’t feel like they can just walk in and chat with the SGA leaders. Alex says he and Mojo plan to change that.

“This year, we want students to feel like they can come in, introduce themselves, and know who it is who is representing them to the administration.  It would seriously make my day for students to come in and say ‘hey.’”


Naomi Harward is a senior journalism major and the photography editor for Cedars. She is an avid photographer who loves writing, the outdoors, and people-watching.


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