day : 12/04/2019 2 results

Movie Review: ‘Shazam!’

by Hunter Johnson DC has always had a rough time in their cinematic side of things. Nearly all of the thirty films released by the company over the last four decades — with the exception of less than 10 Superman and Batman films — has been critically panned as unsuccessful attempts at filmmaking. This all changed in 2017 when “Wonder Woman” was released, becoming the first non-Superman, non-Batman DC film to receive worldwide acclaim. The next year, “Aquaman” released, and while ...

Play Review: ‘The Spitfire Grill’

by Katie Milligan Cedarville University’s spring musical, “The Spitfire Grill,” is an engrossing tale of tragedy and brokenness, but ultimately a thrilling story of hope, healing and reconciliation. The production begins with Perchance “Percy” Talbot (played by Emily Hunnemeyer) arriving at midnight to the middle-of-nowhere town of Gilead, Wisconsin. She has just completed a five-year stint in prison, and her parole officer Sheriff Joe Sutter (Byron Mrowiec) lands her a job as a ...