day : 24/04/2021 3 results

Shedding Light On The Darkness

Editor’s Note: The names in this story have been changed to protect the anonymity of the innocent. The people in this story are in no way connected to Cedarville University.  Trigger Warning: This story contains content that may be disturbing to readers who have and have not experienced relationship abuse.  by Hannah Deane Three weeks before Samantha was leaving for college she went on a walk in the woods with her fiancé, George. In the ground, among the tall pine trees, was a hole. ...

Taking Christian Music Out of Context: The Movie: The Musical

by Sam Acosta In this incorrigible ode to Steve Curtis Chapman, “A Week Away” manages to not only ruin my memories of church camp but somehow remove God from the experience as well. Over the course of an hour and thirty-four minutes, I was forced to endure painfully written dialogue, Christian stereotypes on steroids, and theology that feels like it came as a prize in my Chick-Fil-A kid’s meal. Luckily, the production value of the film is very good, so at least that was nice.  The ...

Episode Five Gives Us Our New Captain America

by Sam Acosta This episode gives us a deeper look into the mind of Sam as he wrestles with whether he should take up the mantle of Captain America. Boasting one of the greatest fight scenes to ever grace the MCU and some truly moving moments, episode five continues the upward trajectory of amazing quality and high expectations started in episode four. I loved this episode so much, and there is a lot that I want to unpack here.  First, let’s talk about the intro scene. After Walker ...