day : 21/09/2021 2 results

Worlds Collide in ‘What If…?’ Episode Six

By Janie Walenda While last week’s episode took place during recent MCU events, this week we return to the beginning of the MCU.  “What If…Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?” brings us back to the world of 2008’s “Iron Man,” but this time with a Wakandan twist.  I genuinely enjoyed seeing these worlds collide and the world of Wakanda being cemented in Marvel history. The episode opens on the familiar scene from “Iron Man” where Tony’s convoy is attacked and he sees the ...

Inside Palmer Hall

by Tim Comstock In most cases, people only know that Palmer Hall is a tiny building on the south edge of Cedarville’s campus.  It frequently gets forgotten among its other neighbors on the Hill: Carr, Rogers, and Marshall Hall. To residents of Palmer, however, “We’re from the Hill but not of the Hill,” says freshman Jacob Eileff. Palmer RA Ethan Doerstling says, “It’s a smaller group of people than your average dorm. So you get to know each other a little better, I’d say. ...