‘Zootopia+’ is a humorous dive into worldbuilding

By Ella Smith

After the roaring success of Zootopia it was a surprise there was never a sequel to continue the storyline that brought about such adoration. Now six years later the movie was followed up with a six-episode anthology series, with each episode featuring a side character from the movie, giving more depth to the world of Zootopia and showing different perspectives to many familiar scenes.

“Hopp on Board” added insight into Judy’s family

There were a couple that I thought did a good job at adding depth to the world and were overall just a humorous adventure. “Hopp on Board” was a charming way to show more of the Hopp family and was a funny way to tie the scenes together with things we saw in the show such as the different biomes and animals around Judy. I liked that we got to see a bit more of the family dynamics as well.

“The Real Rodents of Little Rodentia” and “So You Think You Can Prance” were comical in their satirical spoof of popular reality shows. I enjoyed the play on words and how the stories played off of the reality show’s common cliches in a humorous way while also giving insight into what happened in Zootopia during the events of the movie. 

“Dinner Rush” was a hilarious explanation of one of the most memorable scenes from the movie. It was an interesting way to bring back everyone’s favorite sloth, Flash, and tie it back in with the movie. I liked the added side plot to the story and the whacky hypothetical situations. It added more humor to the movie’s end scene and did a good job of tying back to events we saw in the movie.

“Dinner Rush” showed the comedic escapades of Flash

“The Godfather of the Bride” was my favorite of the bunch because it felt like more of a complete story and it so perfectly brought two different iconic movies together in a way both younger and older audiences could enjoy. It also added the most to worldbuilding and gave you a different view of the world and how the animals interact within it. Additionally, it brought back some of the more memorable characters from the movie.

The “Zootopia+” anthology was a humorous way to bring back some beloved characters and gave more of an insight into the intriguing world introduced in the “Zootopia.” It’s a good watch for the whole family if you need something short and amusing to watch.

 “Zootopia+” is streaming on Disney+ now.

Ella Smith is a freshmen professional writing and informational design student as well as a writer for Cedars. She enjoys a stack of good books, leatherbound journals, and a cup of tea (with lots of honey.)

Images courtesy of Walt Disney Animation Studios

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