Cedarville Students Evangelize at Other Schools

by Anna Harman

On February 13th, the seed of a spiritual awakening was planted on Cedarville University’s campus. President Dr. White announced in chapel, “We have no idea what we’re doing tonight and that’s a good thing because otherwise, nothing would happen. It’s up to the Lord tonight.”

Following chapel, students worshiped, prayed, and shared fellowship with one another throughout the week. Since then, numerous students have gone off campus to evangelize to other schools and spread the good news of the Gospel. 

Junior IT Management major Seth Hering went to Ohio State University last week and witnessed to the students there. 

“I have never evangelized before but I just felt a strong call to go and share what I have seen the Lord doing at Cedarville and in my life. We partnered with a local church and grouped up and began to pray for the campus. We were then split off into groups,” Hering said.

The first group they talked to was a group of three girls. Hering asked questions in order to get to know them more and he then began to share the Gospel through the conversation. They let Hering pray for them once they were finished talking as well. 

“I did not know what I was doing, but I knew God was there with me. I believe that God planted a seed through that conversation,” Hering said.  

He also had the opportunity to talk to a couple of people who did not believe in God. He got to get to know them a little more and also was able to share the gospel through the conversation. 

“Some things that I learned were to not fall into the fear of man but focus on the fear of the Lord. It was so easy to talk myself out of approaching someone but I had to remind myself the most important thing this person could hear is the Gospel. After going to OSU I no longer had the excuse that I have never evangelized before so I am much more willing to go,” Hering said. 

Hering decided to join a local evangelism organization on campus, CU Outreach, where students travel bi-weekly to evangelize at local college campuses.

Sophomore Nursing major Elisabeth Penner also visited Ohio State University to evangelize.

There were 6 Cedarville students that traveled together to Columbus and then split into two groups once arriving on campus. They walked around outside the buildings and got to have several conversations with people on the campus pathways and sitting on benches in the walking area.

They then went into a time of worship in the middle of campus put on by some OSU students and twenty to thirty other Cedarville students joined them. After a time of worship and prayer, they went back out in groups to have more conversations. 

The group of people she had come with went to the student union building before splitting up to have more one-on-one conversations. They were able to have a few conversations but there was often either a lack of interest or a lack of time to talk. However, her last conversation was particularly encouraging. 

Penner was able to speak with a girl eating her dinner in a corner. She approached her to ask the survey questions about religious beliefs that she had been asking people and the girl was very open to having a conversation. She was able to learn a little about her and her background and even pray for her. 

Although she did not express a lot of interest in what she had to say about her faith, she seemed open to reading the small new testament Penner left with her. She was able to give her number to the girl in case she had any questions about the new testament that was left with her, or about getting plugged into a church. Penner hopes to follow up with her in the next couple of weeks.

Penner said, “The few conversations I was able to have with students on campus at OSU truly opened my eyes to the lack of knowledge about God and Christianity that many people hold. I desire to see all people come to know Christ and am heartbroken over how people do not even know His name. I believe that this movement is exciting but I believe that it is what we do next and how we allow it to impact us day by day that will make a difference.”

Penner feels that we should continue to be faithful in our everyday walk with the Lord and look to Him for guidance as we endeavor to share the Gospel in both word and deed with those that know and do not know who He is. She believes that the Holy Spirit is not working anymore or any less now than before this movement,

“He continues to be faithful to His promises and we must be faithful to His call – whatever that may be. We must be led by scripture and look to glorify the name of Jesus in whatever worship, evangelizing, or prayer we do. I am beyond grateful for what the Lord has done for me in revealing the gospel to me and for the opportunities He has given me. May His name be glorified in all that we do as Cedarville University and the body of Christ,” Penner said. 

Anna Harman is a junior Biblical Studies major and also a reporter for Cedars. She appreciates writing, peppermint tea, flowers, and going to concerts.

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