Cedarville student begins a support group to encourage women on campus with POTS

By Allison Craft 

Alivia Bryan, a sophomore Nursing major, is starting a POTS support group for the women on campus after a meeting with her mentor that led her to see the need for one on campus. 

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome or POTS is a form of dysautonomia, which is a disorder of the autonomic nervous system. POTS deals with the dysfunction of blood circulation, causing an increased heart rate, fatigue, blood pooling and other symptoms. This disorder is more common in women and is more likely to develop in adolescents and young adults.

Bryan decided to take her classes remotely for the spring semester after her diagnosis in December of 2022. The isolation from people was hard on her and caused her to have a difficult summer. 

This fall semester, Bryan witnessed other women who had to drop out or go remote because of POTS like she did. As the pattern continued, Bryan felt the Lord leading her to help others who face the same experiences because of her difficulties.  

“My goal is to come alongside and encourage other women that have [POTS] and have time where we can pray together,” Bryan said.

The plan for these meetings is for women to meet twice a month to pray, read Scripture and share things that have encouraged or helped them throughout the week. Bryan also hopes to have Community Nights where the women go out and enjoy time together doing different activities. 

The support group started gaining traction after Bryan posted a Classified ad to see if anyone was interested in the possibility of joining one. The first meeting is scheduled for December 2 at 1:00 pm in Library Room 29.

Byan feels excited about planning and pulling the group together to form a supportive community of girls who might feel isolated by their condition.

“I want people to be encouraged and surrounded by other fellow believers who are going through the same thing,” Bryan said. “And then ultimately, bring glory to God and bring it back to Him because He’s faithful. I have learned that He is trustworthy; you can trust Him even in the hills and valleys of life.”

To join the support group, contact Alivia Bryan by email at abryan@cedarville.edu to be added to the group chat.

Allison Craft is a junior Strategic Communication major from Michigan. A portion of her personality includes reading, drinking coffee, listening to Taylor Swift and thrifting.

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