Dick Walker: A Life Characterized by Community and Service

By Avonlea Brown

Richard G. Walker, referred to by many as “Chief,” passed away on February 9, at 9:20 p.m. after a long battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife, Linda, and two children Scott Walker and Tricia Clark. 

Walker contributed largely to Cedarville University, having worked on campus for 42 years, beginning as a food service worker and ending in Alumni Relations. In addition to the many positions he held at the university, Walker also brought popular staples such as Getting Started Weekend and The Rock to campus. He was also thought of by many as a mentor and friend, including Jeff Beste, Mark Matthews, and many other alumni. 

Read more: Profile interview with Dick Walker from May, 2023

Connection was always on Walker’s mind, proven by the countless acts of kindness he provided for friends, family, and the faculty and staff of Cedarville University. He kept track of every person he met and formed a friendship within a small address book, making sure to reach out as often as they came across his mind. During his time as Dean of Men, Walker memorized as many student names as possible, often surprising freshmen with his ability to recall their names right away. 

Loving others, as he knew he was called to do by the Bible, was a theme Walker desired to be prevalent throughout his life. And undoubtedly the people closest to him would agree that he accomplished this goal. 

When Walker retired his attention shifted from loving others on campus to serving his community and spending time with family. He was very proud of his grandchildren, whose sports games he attended often, and he loved spending time with his family. He began a one-page coffee news called “Intersection” – named after the location of Beans and Cream, his favorite place to meet friends and family – and through that he covered local news from business openings to pieces of forgotten history. 

Walker’s loss will be felt on campus and in the Cedarville community for a long time, but his influence will live on in those who were shaped by his legacy of service and love. 

Bravo Zulu, Chief. 

1 Reply to "Dick Walker: A Life Characterized by Community and Service"

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    Butch D February 14, 2024 (8:28 am)

    Amen and Amen. Well said. Chief had a way of making everyone feel special and feel like you were his best friend. He has impacted thousands. You have run your race well my friend. Thank you for the impact & investment in my life.