day : 18/04/2024 2 results

What makes the first half of “Shogun” so special?

By Ben Konuch “Why is it that only those who have never fought in a battle are so eager to be in one?” When the first adaptation of James Clavell’s influential 1975 novel “Shogun” premiered as a miniseries in 1980, it took the television world by storm. “Shogun” not only aimed to capitalize on Clavell’s highly successful story of death, deceit and culture set in feudal Japan, but to bring the story to the small screen in a way audiences had never seen before. The crafting ...

‘Unsung Hero’ fosters a strong character-audience connection and prompts contemplation about your faith

By Esther Fultz Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like everything that could possibly go wrong did? To be completely honest, I felt like I did last week when I left my phone at home and misplaced my Macbook charger at the same time and as a result missed a coffee date with my friend. If you can relate to this, the beginning of “Unsung Hero” depicts a situation you could consider similar - just a little more intense. When talent manager David Smallbone’s career takes ...