Arts and Entertainment 690 results

Comedy Org Raises Money for SGA Ministry, Other Ministries

DTR, Cedarville’s improv comedy org, raises money for various charities and support for their org through their shows. All admission money from DTR’s upcoming show, “Chaos,” will go to support GROW. Chaos will include 30 skits, all written by the members of DTR, performed in a random order determined by the audience. Chaos is on April 11, 12 and 13 at 7 p.m. in Alford Auditorium. Tickets cost between 50 cents and $3. DTR has previously partnered with nonprofits like Together We ...

Review: ‘The 39 Steps’

Cedarville University’s theatre program has had one of its most popular seasons in years. Ticket sales records were set in the fall for the Shakespeare classic “The Taming of the Shrew” and in the winter for “Pride and Prejudice.” Topping off the 2013-14 season is “The 39 Steps,” and the stakes are high. Fortunately, however, “The 39 Steps” proves to be one of the most unusual Cedarville productions in recent memory, ending the year with a bang. Audiences anticipating “The ...

Preview: ‘The 39 Steps’

The Cedarville theatre department’s spring play features “The 39 Steps,” a fast-paced comedy spy-thriller. This play is based on the novel and movie by Alfred Hitchcock. Cedarville is performing Patrick Barlow’s adaptation of the work. Director Rebecca Baker said Barlow takes the suspense found in Hitchcock’s movie and adds a dash of Monty Python. “The 39 Steps” is set in 1935 and tells the story of a man named Richard Hannay, played by junior Adam Silorey, who leads an ordinary ...

Gisela Mullican: Set Designer

The fast-paced comedy “The 39 Steps” is the second production at Cedarville for which a student has co-designed the set. And this year that student is senior Gisela Mullican, a theatre major studying design. Mullican has worked with theatre professor Robert Clements throughout the design process, as did 2013 graduate Josiah Smith for last winter’s musical, “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” Mullican said she thought highly of the opportunity for a student to design the ...

Movie Review: ‘Son of God’

The disciple John tells the story of Jesus in the February 28-released film, “Son of God.” The film was adapted from History Channel’s recent miniseries, “The Bible.” The film begins with an aged John (Sebastian Knapp) speaking the first few words of his gospel, “In the beginning was the Word… .” His narration takes the audience back to Jesus’ presence in the beginning of time. Jesus was with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, with Moses when the Red Sea was parted, with ...

Act of Worship Provides a Unique Experience

“Act of Worship,” a play written and directed by Douglas Malcolm, opens this weekend at the Cedarville Opera House. This play, according to Malcolm, is unique in that it is a student show put on solely for the experience, not as a senior theater project. “This would have been a fantastic STP, but I interned already over the summer,” Malcolm said. Malcolm, a senior theater performance major, said every theater major needs to do some form of major project or internship. However, ...

Arts Madness Revives Cedarville Tradition

The music and worship department is hosting a weeklong event called Arts Madness that will highlight various artistic talents. The event will take place in the Stevens Student Center and will showcase various musical performances, the spring play (“The 39 Steps”) and artwork displays. The activities will kick off on March 28 and will run through April 3. Michael DiCuirci, senior professor of music, is the mastermind behind Arts Madness. “I’ve been pushing for it because we needed ...

Movie Review: ‘Diana’

Many remember growing up in the ’90s and hearing about the tragic death of Princess Diana, a sudden death that shocked the world. Hollywood made a film about the final years of Diana’s life, released on DVD Feb.11. But did “Diana” stick to the facts or was the biopic fictionalized for dramatic effect? Diana (Naomi Watts) has been thrown into the spotlight following her separation from Prince Charles. While Diana struggles to live a normal life, she visits a hospital where she meets a ...

Romance and Laughter Take the Stage

Corie and Paul Bratter are a newlywed couple settling into their new brownstone in New York City. However, a few days into their marriage, the Bratters’ differing personalities begin to clash in unexpected ways, and Neil Simon’s romantic comedy “Barefoot in the Park” is the result. Set to take the Alford Auditorium stage March 21 at 7 p.m., the senior theatre project (STP) of Lauren (Ren) Holtzem and Kristyna Zaharek promises to welcome the audience with a riotous performance. “The ...

Unique STP Highlights French Fashion

Joy McTaggart’s senior theatre project (STP) will differ from the typical play done by senior theatre majors. Since McTaggart enjoys the costuming part of theatre, she chose to make that the focus of her STP. “I’m really excited to work on an STP that is specifically tailored to what I want to do when I graduate,” McTaggart said. “Instead of directing a show, I get to build a dress, which is something I really love doing.” McTaggart’s inspiration for the dress came from a ...