Campus News 391 results

New mission trip seeks to put Upstate New York on Cedarville’s church planting map

By Avonlea Brown This year, seven new locations joined the list of Global Outreach mission trips at Cedarville University, making a record number of options available to students. One of the recent additions is a student-led trip over Fall Break to Syracuse, New York. Andrew Krom and Elijah Elmer, two MDiv majors, both grew up in Upstate New York and see a need for church planting in the area. As two people who felt called to domestic ministry, Krom and Elmer wanted to share the word ...

Meet the students who help make alumni events on campus possible  

By Avonlea Brown Homecoming is one of the most prodigious celebrations on campus with over 50 events in the span of two days. To make the weekend run smoothly, the Alumni Engagement office teams up with a small community of students who make connecting past and current students possible.  The Student Alumni Association(SAA), is a group of 12 to 15 students who are elected to serve as liaisons between alumni and students. SAA inducts students based on recommendations from fellow SAA ...

Cedarville’s enduring legacy: Three generations, 50 years, one family

By Maggie Fipps Legacy. It is a word thrown around a lot on weekends like Homecoming.  Is Cedarville simply a name on a degree, written in bold cursive? Does it truly ingrain itself in a person or a family? What about people who meet their spouses at Cedarville? What is the difference in their future family, their future children and grandchildren?  If these questions seem too weighty and overblown, you are probably right. For most, Cedarville will be a rest stop on their ...

Not About the Merch, but the Message: IBC Students Put New Spin on Old Business

By Marielle Payton Every year, Cedarville University students from the Robert W. Plaster School of Business are given the opportunity to create or manage a business through the Integrated Business Core (IBC). This experience, catered towards students interested in entrepreneurship, enables them to hone their skills with real-life experience. This year, Proclaim the Name, a previous IBC business focused on evangelistic streetwear, is being relaunched with a new focus. The team behind the ...

Student-led business Crowned Chains expands to Cedarville and beyond

By Caroline Stanton When students returned to campus this fall, a new trend immediately began with the launch of the student-run business Crowned Chains. Students all around campus began sporting fashionable metal-clasp chains or wearing merch with the company name and logo. Crowned Chains has taken over Cedarville and the jewelry world beyond by storm.  Crowned Chains offers two chains made out of a solid black, gold, or silver beaded band that can come with or without a pendant. ...

UpWrite provides Cedarville students with the last notebook they will ever need 

By Avonlea Brown In 2022, Americans spent $36.9 billion on school supplies. The increasing cost of school supplies and lack of products have now led to a demand for reusable school supplies that students can keep for multiple uses.  Within Cedarville University’s Plaster School of Business, a group of five students created a company that sought to change the one-and-done attitude toward school supplies. Johnny Martone, Ashley Hanel, Kyle Stewart, Jacob Franzen and Luke Bowers ...

Didasko aims to incorporate faith and fun through a biblically-rooted card game

By: Avonlea Brown The card game Didasko made a soft launch at Cedarville University on September 14. A team of eight students created the game with the goal of “drawing Christian families together and building a deeper appreciation for God’s Word.”  Carson Kirby, Janie Walenda, Abigail Francis, Joel Farnsworth, Eric Reiff, Gladys Cerrato, and Hannah Norefleet joined up through the Integrated Business Core, or IBC. The IBC is a 12-credit practicum course that gives studen...

The first choice is not always the best choice: Samuel Fish

By Marielle Payton As a freshman, Samuel Fish was excited about getting hands-on with different creative projects and designs. Now, he’s still pursuing that passion–just a little differently.  Fish started college as a Mechanical Engineering major, certain he’d be a great fit for the program. Now, he is a junior Industrial Design major studying at the International Center for Creativity (ICC) in Columbus, Ohio. Though he could have never predicted the path his journey took, he ...

Finding your people: Bryn Golson

By Avonlea Brown Hidden immigrant.  On the outside, they look ordinary, but on the inside, they feel detached. They float from group to group and try to find a place where they belong but never truly find it.  Bryn Golson used those words to describe her experience as a child of missionaries.  When she was ten years old, Golson’s family packed their things, sold their house and moved to Knysna, South Africa.  “My parents were so excited and that perspec...

Did You Know? Greene County Bus System Serves Cedarville University

By Marielle Payton One of the worst feelings for a college student is knowing where you want to go but having no way of getting there. Spontaneous late-night Walmart runs. Trips to Urgent Care. Going to a church far away. Texting friends to ask them for rides and hoping someone’s free. For many students who do not have cars on campus, looking for transportation is a familiar struggle. “As a freshman and sophomore I had no transportation and had few friends who had cars, so I ...