News 585 results

Abortion Debate Ultimately an Ethics Debate

Doctors took a Texas woman off of life support on Jan. 26 after a drawn-out legal battle between the hospital and the woman’s family. And the case of Marlise Muñoz continues to highlight how Americans struggle with the issue of abortion as new ethical dilemmas present themselves to the medical world. Erick Muñoz found his wife lying unconscious on their kitchen floor on Nov. 26 after she been there for over an hour. Her husband found her and rushed her to the hospital. Doctors suspected ...

Recent Survey Shows Increasing Prevalence of Post-Christian Mindset

A recent survey reveals that 37 percent of Americans meet standards for having a post-Christian theology. Jason Lee, the dean of Cedarville’s school of biblical and theological studies, said post-Christianity is the replacement of Christian language, ideals and worldviews in a culture with secular ideals, language and worldviews. To examine the shift in post-Christian America, Barna Group, a research company aiming to integrate spirituality into culture, surveyed 42,855 Americans on ...

Creationism Debate Presented Views, No Clear Winner

Students filled the bottom of the Jeremiah Chapel in the Dixon Ministry Center as the time on the projected countdown clock slipped away. Students yelled to their friends, motioning them over to saved seats. Others literally skipped in. 5…4…3…2…1... The chapel erupted into applause as Ken Ham and Bill Nye appeared on the screens. All over the nation, thousands of people watched via live stream and in person at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Ky., to hear Ken Ham and Bill Nye ...

Cedars Wins Awards at Newspaper Convention

COLUMBUS – Cedars won the top award for non-daily college newspapers for the second straight year Thursday at the Ohio Newspaper Association Annual Convention. Cedars won 10 individual awards, the most of any of the nine schools entered, to accumulate the most points in the competition and win the Frank E. Deaner Award for General Excellence in Collegiate Journalism. Three places were awarded in each category. The University of Toledo placed second. Cedars earned first and second place ...

Sadie Hawkins Dance Replaces TWIRP Week

“The girls ask the guys/ It’s always a surprise/ There’s nothing better/ Baby, do you like my sweater?” The Relient K song will come to life in Alford Auditorium Friday, Feb. 7, from 8 p.m. until midnight as the Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) hosts a Sadie Hawkins dance. Kasandra Chambers, the APhA-ASP Chapter president-elect, said because there is no TWIRP week (planned at the moment), the dance will provide another chance for girls to ask a guy out. “I was an ...

Campus Cab to Raise Funds for MIS Trip

DAE, the student org serving alumni, is running a campus cab service to raise money and awareness for their spring break MIS trip to Eleuthera, a small island in the Bahamas. The MIS team will stay with a missionary couple who graduated from Cedarville. They will help set up a three-day Bible camp and share the gospel with middle and high school students. They will also help with a school fair and will complete a small building project. Zach Luce, a junior youth ministry major, developed ...

Creation vs. Evolution

Debates on the origin of mankind have grown increasingly scarce in recent years, says Cedarville geology professor John Whitmore. Public discussions between creationists and evolutionists were quite common throughout the 1970s and the early ’80s. Since then they have grown less prevalent. But on Feb. 4, Bill Nye the Science Guy will debate Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis, at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Ky. The debate will seek to answer the question, “Is creation a viable ...

The Costs of Accreditation

Accreditation is expensive. Cedarville continues to shell out money every year to keep the university up to date on accreditation regulations. But what is accreditation and is it worth the cost? Accreditation is a process used to determine the quality and integrity of education in America. This process requires schools to meet and maintain certain standards in academics, administration and related services to be accredited. The Department of Education is adding more regulations and ...

Got Jobs?

Over the past four and a half years, people have been receiving unemployment checks for extended periods of time. However, on Dec. 28, Congress failed to add the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) Act to the new budget, which did not allow the plan to be extended into 2014. Since the 2010 unemployment peak, the number of people out of work and actively job hunting has decreased. President Barack Obama said in his first national address of 2014, “Businesses have created more than ...

Knockout Game Hits Across U.S.

Random assault has occurred throughout history, but has it ever been motivated by a game? A dangerous phenomenon called the knockout game has recently gained increasing popularity and media coverage throughout the nation. Besides indicating a shameful digression in basic ethical standards, the knockout game has resulted in the death of several victims. The Knockout Game, also known as “Knockout King,” “Knock ’Em and Drop ’Em” or “One-Hitter-Quitter,” occurs when an ...