Cedars | Opinion
Opinion 78 results

Just Sayin’ – Some More Unsolicited Advice For Ya

by Alex Hentschel “When I was a freshman, I talked like a freshman. Then I became an upperclassman, and I put aside my freshman ways.” — Cedarville Proverbs Welcome to college. Time to forget everything about your old life and who you used to be. It might sound like an exaggeration, but it’s actually crazy how you’re about to build a whole new identity for yourself with a group of people that you’ve never met before. It’s time to find out who you are. You’re like Ty from ...

Letter From the Editor

by Keegan D’Alfonso On behalf of the entire Cedars staff, allow me to welcome you to Cedarville University. This issue of Cedars is for you, the incoming freshmen. We hope to offer you a taste of student media, some helpful tips to get you started in this new life journey that is college and maybe a few biting jokes (sorry, even in college, upperclassmen like to pick on the freshies). You are about to start an amazing adventure here at Cedarville. College is a great opportunity to grow ...

Just Sayin’ – Loving the Sojourner

by Alex Hentschel I am going to be up front with you: this column is not funny, because its contents are deeply, heartbreakingly serious. This column has an agenda. I have an agenda. (Hey, at least I wasn’t deceptive about it, right?) That agenda is to convince you that the cultural tone is wrong on one major point: the treatment of refugees and immigrants. Some well-meaning Christians have been led astray by the politics of fear. In fact, the rise of anti-immigrant and anti-refugee ...

Just Sayin’ – Women & Jesus & the Church (Oh My)

by Alex Hentschel Who am I, as a Christian woman? This is a nuanced question, and a weighty question, and I bet you’re wondering, “Why is that opinion column girl who wrote about dating and fake New Year’s resolutions about to discuss an actual issue with real consequences? She should stick to Buzzfeed-esque listicles.” I understand your concerns. Don’t worry — this will still be snarky. I’ll still crack some jokes. But I want to focus our attention a little bit on something ...

Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe?

By Timothy Mattackal Artificial intelligence, or AI: what exactly is it? What does it do? How much should we trust it? There are numerous questions we could ask regarding this issue, and many of these concerns were brought into focus several weeks ago when an Uber self-driving car struck and killed a pedestrian in Tempe, Arizona. The accident resulted in the first fatality from a self-driving car accident in history, and as a result, Uber and other developers of self-driving vehicles tempor...

Why Dating At Cedarville Is The Worst

By Alex Hentschel Dear readers: I want you to just accept something that is unequivocally true. Don’t contest it, don’t think about it too much, don’t combat it with arguments. I, the Just Sayin’ guru, am here with some wisdom that has been revealed to me that I feel I must impart. Open your minds. Be receptive to this truth, that... ...dating at Cedarville is the worst. Ok. Now that we’ve accepted it, we can do something about it. Let’s talk about why it’s the worst. First, ...

Just Sayin’ – How to Spend Money to Prove Your Love

by Alexandria Hentschel It’s that time of year again — you’ve browsed through Cyber Monday deals and agonizing over whether your significant other really needs another flannel. You’re wondering if you can feasibly knit everyone in your family a scarf, and whether that would really be cheaper. You’re feverishly printing out coupons that are “Good For One Hug!” in the hopes that your mother won’t judge you for being too cheap. We could all use a little guidance for what to get ...

Just Sayin’ – What Your Department (Actually) Says About You

by Alex Hentschel I know you’ve always wondered it — “what does my choice of major say about me?” Here’s a long, slightly judgmental list. The truth might hurt a little bit, so brace yourself... Art, Design and Theater: Your least favorite question is “Oh, nice! So what are you going to do with that?” You probably include your Instagram handle on your resume, because something that beautiful and coordinated requires significant time and effort. Biblical and Theological ...

Just Sayin’ – Brace Yourselves: It’s (Basic)ally Fall

by Alex Hentschel On Friday, Sept. 22, the greatest season began. I love flannels. I love caramel. I love warm sweaters, bonfires, and apple-picking. I love all the discounted candy I get after I celebrate Reformation Day — it’s nice of stores to celebrate the downfall of the Catholic Church by offering the indulgence of 50-percent-off Reese’s. And yes — I’m going to say it — I love Pumpkin Spice Lattes. What I don’t love is all of the judgmental stares when I order one — as ...

Just Sayin’ – A Day Without Caffeine

by Alex Hentschel Relationship status between Alex and Coffee: It’s complicated. “Complicated” meaning that I both love and hate my caffeine. Love, because it makes me bubbly, cheerful and productive. Love, because a good latte tastes like it’s brewed by a chorus of harp-strumming angels. Hate, because without it, I turn into a mascara-streaked monster with a migraine. Hate, because about 50 percent of my discretionary budget goes to cold brews and dirty chais. I evaluated our ...