Afghanistan 2 results

Afghanistan Going Through Economic Crisis Since U.S. Pullout

By Esther Fultz Markets don’t exist in a vacuum.  Social and political factors constantly influence the economy.  This is apparent across American history and can be seen in the Afghan economy following the withdrawal of U.S. troops in August.  While data regarding the economic situation in Afghanistan is currently sparse, the deterioration is apparent. The World Food Program reported a 2021 increase from 42 million to 45 million people worldwide teetering on the edge of famine.  ...

The Afghanistan Dilemma

by Maggie Walker  The date Oct. 7, 2001, does not tend to ring many bells in our collective national memory. This unassuming date, however, marked the beginning of the war in Afghanistan. Recently the issue has bubbled to the top of headlines and grabbed national attention as America’s longest war has ended.  To understand context, the country of Afghanistan itself was at war before American involvement. Dr. Glen Duerr, Associate Professor of International Studies, said, “Afghanistan ...