Cedars 1279 results

Gallery Hop Festival Held in Columbus Every Month

Short North, a neighborhood just north of downtown Columbus, draws visitors with the Gallery Hop, a festival held the first Saturday of every month from 4 p.m. until 10 p.m. The festival is a celebration of culture and arts, with an emphasis on local scene. During this time you will see street performers, gallery exhibitions, food and special events lining the street. There is no cost of admission; however, most likely you will need to shell out few dollars for parking. Consider sho...

Lady Jackets Steamroll Central State

In their final regular season home game Wednesday night, the Cedarville women’s volleyball team cruised to an easy victory over Central State. It didn’t take long for the Jackets to defeat the Marauders, winning in three sets (25-4, 25-7, 25-2). Central State has not won a match this season, and in their 14 losses they haven’t won a single set. The win moves the Jackets to 17-12 (8-1) on the season. Because of the dominating win, Emily Gewirtz and Katie Sir, both freshmen, saw more ...

Yes, Fire-Eating, Sword-Walking and Hoop-Dancing Can Be Part of Your Testimony

V. Scites, a senior theatre major, will present her testimony Saturday, Nov. 1 in “unVeiled,” her senior theatre project (STP). UnVeiled is a show Scites wrote to reflect her life, and she said it focuses on individuality in Christ. “It’s kind of my life story,” Scites said. “I had a really interesting, unique upbringing, so I threw in the spectacle of some of the stuff I can do, so there’s some sword-walking, some hula-hoop dancing and some fire-eating.” Scites grew ...

Album Review: ‘Love Ran Red’

Chris Tomlin has essentially become a legend in his own lifetime. He’s a sensation in Christian circles, releasing radio hits such as “God’s Great Dance Floor” and the popular worship songs “I Will Rise,” “Our God,” and “I Will Follow.” And with the Oct. 27 release of his newest album, “Love Ran Red,” Tomlin’s songs are sure to further infiltrate Spotify music libraries, merchandise tables and Christian churches’ worship repertoires. “Love Ran Red” kicks ...

Album Review: ‘Rise’

In 2012, rapper Trip Lee released his fourth studio album, “The Good Life,” to critical acclaim success on the charts. He was one of Christian hip-hop’s fastest rising stars. So it came as a surprise when the 24-year-old announced he was stepping away from music. Lee started serving as a pastor in his church in Washington, D.C., and making music was not on his mind at the time. Fast-forward two years, and Lee has come out of retirement, offering fans his fifth album, “Rise.” Lee ...

African Children’s Choir Spreads Awareness, Shows Beauty in Trials

The African Children’s Choir will perform at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 30, in the DMC Chapel. The 80-minute performance features a choir composed of children from single or non-parental households in Africa. In this program, children are able to travel the world to spread awareness of the conditions of their respective countries while still maintaining their education. The choir, who performed earlier this year for the queen of England, has visited Cedarville before, and Greg ...

Heartsong Members Say They’re Promoting the Gospel and Cedarville

Heartsong, a group of four touring worship teams, acts as both an outreach ministry and a recruiting tool for Cedarville University. Isaac Murrell, a senior singer and guitarist for the Heartsong Green team, said he has experienced the impact of its outreach. “I first heard of Heartsong through my worship pastor and wife who graduated from Cedarville and were on traveling teams before it was called Heartsong,” Murrell said. Sam DeLoye, a senior pianist for the Heartsong Red team, ...


Photos of students enjoying Cedarville's first annual FestiFall. View a video of the event here. [metaslider id=1492]