Cedars | Cedarville University
Cedarville University 1333 results

Podcast: Millennials Drawn to Online Subscriptions

Join us for a discussion about the growing numbers of young online news subscribers. Jeff Gilbert, journalism professor at Cedarville University and adviser for Cedars, talks with Cedars staffers Naomi Harward and Callahan Jones about their online news subscriptions and what they like about them.

Opening Up the World of Theatre

Dr. Diane Merchant seeks to impress her love for the arts upon the Cedarville community by Katie Milligan Dr. Diane Merchant, Cedarville University Professor and director of Theatre, has held a deep love for the theater throughout her entire educational and professional career. Even when it was difficult and opportunities were scarce, she found a way to pursue this passion and make it available to others who shared it. Merchant intentionally finds ways to grow her passion for theater and pass ...

2nd Street Market: A 15-year-old Dayton Tradition

by Gabe Chester The 2nd Street Market, located in downtown Dayton, features over 40 different vendors offering an array of fresh produce, bread, artisanal goods and cuisine from around the world. The market is celebrating its 15th year of business as the oldest public market in Dayton. It is open for business year-round on Thursdays and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The 2nd Street Market presents a revitalizing commercial hub where shoppers can always ...

Just Sayin’ – Brace Yourselves: It’s (Basic)ally Fall

by Alex Hentschel On Friday, Sept. 22, the greatest season began. I love flannels. I love caramel. I love warm sweaters, bonfires, and apple-picking. I love all the discounted candy I get after I celebrate Reformation Day — it’s nice of stores to celebrate the downfall of the Catholic Church by offering the indulgence of 50-percent-off Reese’s. And yes — I’m going to say it — I love Pumpkin Spice Lattes. What I don’t love is all of the judgmental stares when I order one — as ...

Student Spotlight: Gabrielle Bauman – Bringing Light

by Tayana Fowler Ever since the fourth grade, Gabrielle Bauman has had two passions: theater and her savior, Jesus Christ. Bauman, a senior theatre major, has spent the past four years at Cedarville serving the Lord and the student body with her gifts and talents in theater. In fourth grade, Bauman discovered her passion and love for the stage through ballet, which was her first exposure to the spotlight. The skills she learned through dance taught her to be comfortable on stage. Her first ...

New Art Professor Molds Students

by Zach Krauss Cedarville University’s newest studio art professor, Zac Benson, strives to encourage Christian community through art in the classroom. Benson is an assistant professor of studio art and will teach sculpting, 3-D design and ceramics. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in sculpture and ceramics at University of Tennessee in Knoxville and studied sculpting in a post-baccalaureate program at the University of Colorado. He then worked at an internship in New York City producing ...

CU Men’s Basketball to Rely on Chemistry

by Tim Miller The Cedarville University men’s basketball program features many new faces on this season’s roster. The team loses three seniors and the team’s third-highest scorer from a year ago in Dezhonetae Bennett. Cedarville welcomes seven new players to the roster, including two transfers. Yellow Jacket head coach Patrick Estepp said the roster turnover is a cause for concern. Replacing leadership from a year ago will be a colossal challenge to this season’s team. Junior guards ...

Sanctify Ministries Hosts Prayer and Praises

by Hannah Day Sanctify Ministries will be hosting a new event, Prayer and Praises, at Cedarville University on Nov. 14. Sanctify Ministries is a group, formed by women, aimed toward the women of Cedarville’s campus to help educate them on the many aspects of Biblical purity and to encourage them to live lives that are glorifying to God. “We believe purity is more than physical,” stated Tara Winter, Sanctify Ministries’ advisor. “It is mental, emotional, spiritual and physica...

Lady Jackets Primed to Compete for G-MAC Title

by Tim Miller The 2017-18 edition of the Cedarville Lady Jackets basketball team may be the most experienced in recent memory. The Lady Jackets lose just one player from last season, and return 99 percent (2,000 of 2,015 points) of their scoring from last season. Lady Jackets head coach Kari Hoffman returns for her second season at the helm, and said the experience on the team will allow her to get ahead. “That allows us to have a jumpstart on the season because they know what this program ...