Org Hopes to Break Basketball World Record to Raise Money for Missions

Bake sales and letter writing are not the only ways to fundraise for MIS trips. One Cedarville org is trying to break a world record.

After the Cedarville-Central State basketball game this Saturday, Delta Alpha Epsilon will try to beat the record for the largest game of knockout. They are doing this to raise money for their spring break MIS trip to Eleuthera, an island in the Bahamas.

Charity and Dustin Norman, 2011 Cedarville graduates, are advisers of DAE, an org that helps connect current students to alumni. Campus Cab is another fundraiser they are doing for their trip.

The record they are trying to beat is 571, a record set by an organization at Iowa State in 2012. Charity said the record is very attainable.

“Most basketball games get like 2,000 students to them,” she said, “so it’s very possible to make it happen.”

People can sign up for the knockout game during and right after the Cedarville-Central State game. Participating is free, but donations will be accepted, and refreshments will be offered for 50 cents to $1.

Everyone will receive a number when they sign up to keep count of the number of participants. There will be two lines: one for those who want to win the knockout game and another for those who just want to help break the world record. The first place winner will receive $150, second place $75 and third place $25.

Dustin, who came up with the idea for the fundraiser, said DAE is excited.

“Now it’s almost more about breaking this world record more than raising money,” he said with a laugh. “We want to raise money for the trip, but everyone who is a part of DAE wants to break this record.”

On the MIS trip, DEA will be ministering to middle school and high school students at Windermere Academy through a Spiritual Emphasis Week, with three chapel sessions a day as well as games and small-group sessions. DAE will be working with Cedarville alumni Brian and Emily Flunker.

Administrators from the school told DAE that all of the students have been exposed to the gospel, but very few have accepted it.

“We get the chance to just interact with them for several hours a day for a whole week,” DAE member Ethan Lee said. “Hopefully (with) the message we have and the fact that we’re kind of outsiders and it’s something new for them, God will use us to move in their lives, and they’ll accept the gospel.”

Editor’s Note: This story was updated to reflect a change in prize amounts. The original version of the story only listed the first place prize as $100.

Jen Taggart is a freshman journalism major and reporter for Cedars. She enjoys writing, listening to music and fueling her chocolate addiction.

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