Unique STP Highlights French Fashion

Joy McTaggart’s senior theatre project (STP) will differ from the typical play done by senior theatre majors. Since McTaggart enjoys the costuming part of theatre, she chose to make that the focus of her STP.

“I’m really excited to work on an STP that is specifically tailored to what I want to do when I graduate,” McTaggart said. “Instead of directing a show, I get to build a dress, which is something I really love doing.”

McTaggart’s inspiration for the dress came from a painting she saw while studying abroad in France last semester. The painting, done in 1755, is of Madame de Pompadour and is located at The Louvre in Paris. McTaggart said she liked the simplicity and elegance of the dress in the painting, so she chose to build it as a costume.

Senior theatre major Eric Rasmussen said the project presents McTaggart’s desire to make costumes but not design them.

“I think she knew she was up for a challenge.” Rasmussen said. “It’s an idea that I haven’t seen here in my time at Cedarville, so in that sense, it’s very original.”

Courtney Raymond will be modeling the dress that McTaggart built. Raymond expressed much excitement about being part of this STP.

“My favorite part is getting to wear this creation that Joy has put so much of her life into,” Raymond said.

McTaggart said her STP is unique.

“You don’t get to see a costume STP very often,” she said. “So many people do shows, and that’s cool. If you’re into historic costuming or want to see something you’ve probably never seen before, then you should come.”

Rasmussen and Raymond both said that those who come to this STP will get to learn more about fashion, theatre, history and costuming. Raymond said this STP will reach many different interests people have and said she is eager to bring the costume to life for people to see.

The STP will be presented on Saturday, March 22, in BTS 102/103 at 2 p.m.

Maya Palmisciano is a sophomore technical and professional communication major and reporter for Cedars. Music, especially her clarinet, is her second love (next to writing, of course!).

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