How to Have Fun in the Cornfield
Welcome to the middle of a cornfield! But don’t worry, there’s more to do here than watch the corn grow. The Student Center Activities Board (SCAB) is here to meet your entertainment needs. SCAB hosts several events, including Thursday Night Live (TNL), which involves a trivia night or a live show and BOGO coffee from Rinnova, and ALT Nights, which offer a free movie and games.
But the planned activities don’t happen every weekend, so you’ll have to make your own fun. Fortunately, there are a few things to do in Cedarville.
Strap on a pair of good walking shoes and hike with some friends to the Indian Mound Reserve. It offers scenic trails and waterfall views.
The park is closer if the walk to the Indian Mounds seems too long. Take some friends and let your inner little kid out on the swing set.
Puddle jumping is a fun way to enjoy the many Cedarville rainy nights. The field between Lawlor and Maddox is the best spot.
If you’re not outdoorsy, Beans-N-Cream hosts open mic nights every Saturday at 8. It’s a good spot to kill a few hours with friends, coffee and music.
If the walk downtown seems too far, the SSC offers a few options. The information desk in the upper SSC lends board games and there’s a game room in the lower SSC.
See the common theme here? Make friends. The surest way to have fun in Cedarville is to grab a few buddies and just make it happen.
5 Tips to Being Frugal in College
1. Visit Mom & Dad’s Dairy Bar for more than just ice cream. The menu includes inexpensive fast food, like corndogs and fries.
2. Keep an eye out for discounted prices on food, like donuts or pizza, as the evening goes on. Colonial’s Pizza and the Shell gas station (Super Rip) across the street are good places to start.
3. Order books and the works from Amazon. You can essentially find anything you need on Amazon for a discounted price, and it ships to your mail box. You get one of those coveted “You have a PACKAGE” emails in addition to saving money!
4. Order water at restaurants. It’s often free and hydrates you perfectly!
5. Get in on opening night tickets for plays at the Devries Theatre. The opening night is as good as the rest of the run, and students can usually save a few bucks when buying their tickets.
Study Spots

Buildings on campus often have small nooks that are great for studying or hanging out. This area is at the top of the stairs in the BTS.
Though semesters often start off pretty easy, eventually you’ll find that you have to buckle down and really work on some homework. Your dorm room might be a good place to study, or it might be a party room. So here’s some places around campus or town that can help you get to that 4.0.
The library’s a good place to start – it has group study rooms that you can reserve online and also tables everywhere. Plus, it’s a great place to do research. Grab coffee from Rinnova and head on over!
If the library’s too quiet for you, try upstairs in the BTS. At the top of the stairs there’s a small nook with chairs, a great place to get in some quality time with your textbooks. The DMC also has a couple areas with comfy chairs, and people will even study in the chapel (though not during chapel – that could earn you a personal caution).
If you want to be somewhere a little more happening, go hang out by Rinnova, in the Hive or in the game room. All are great places to study and have the added bonus of food/coffee nearby.
And if you need to just get off campus, try walking into town and hanging out at one of the coffeeshops. Upstairs in Beans-N-Cream has comfy chairs and plenty of outlets for laptop chargers, with coffee just a flight of stairs away. Stoney Creek Roasters has a basement with tables and chairs as well as a deck outside that overlooks the creek running through town. The deck is very popular when the weather’s nice so finding a seat can be hit or miss.
If none of these float your boat, just explore campus and town until you find the right place for you!
There’s a host of reasons to visit Centennial Library other than studying the night before your GBIO-1000 unit test. For example, the adult fiction section, located in the lower level collection, has good reads for Christian-suspense lovers, Amish-romance junkies, Jodi Picoult fans and readers looking to be inspired by literary greats like Francine Rivers. Reading through a fiction book is a great way to de-stress and put your imagination to use. Look for the 813 call number to find these page-turners.
Centennial Library also houses DVDs both upstairs to the left past the checkout counter and downstairs in the CMC. The DVDs downstairs range from the classic “Annie” tale to the more-recently-released “Hugo” film. You may also find your favorite “Veggie Tales” or “Adventures in Odyssey” DVD on the shelf.
In its abundance of curriculum materials, the CMC has young adult novels and audiobooks that any student can check out. From “Eragon,” “Divergent” and “Harry Potter” to “The Book Thief,” “Holes” and “The Fault in Our Stars,” every student will find some book that reminds them of their pre-college love for leisurely reading.

Beans-N-Cream’s cozy atmosphere makes it great for studying or hanging out with friends.
Want to get your hands on the next “Hunger Games” book? Need a DVD for next week’s movie night? Whether it’s a book, movie, CD or article in an online journal, OhioLINK provides students with easy access to thousands of resources. OhioLINK is a network of 90 academic libraries throughout Ohio. Accessed through the university’s library page, students can locate and request available materials on the OhioLINK search page and pick them up from the Centennial Library’s circulation desk. Most materials arrive within three to five days and will be held for pick-up for 10 days. The library will send you an email when your items arrive. Just bring your student ID to the librarian to get them and return them to the library before the due date to avoid late fees. Books can be checked out for three weeks, and CDs and DVDs can be checked out for a week. If you’re not finished, simply renew your materials online. You will receive an email reminder a few days before the due date, so you don’t forget.
Visit http://libguides.cedarville. edu/ohiolink/ill for step-by-step instructions on using OhioLINK and for any addtional questions.
Did you miss Technology at the ‘Ville during Getting Started Weekend?
Computer labs and printers are an important part of Cedarville life. You may have seen the computer lab by Rinnova in the Stevens Student Center and the computer lab in the the Centennial Library, but there are also computer labs in the Milner Business Building, the Center for Biblical and Theological Studies and the Engineering and Science Center.
Not only can you print from computer labs, but you can also print from your own personal computer with CedarPrint installed using CedarPrint stations. Remember: you need to be on the cu-secure network. Starting this year, you can print in color using the CedarPrint station in the BTS computer lab. You can also print from your mobile device using Webprint. Another new program that Cedarville University has is called Vlab, which can be used to access some university-owned software from your personal computer.
Computer lab locations:
More info about CedarPrint:
More info about Vlab: help/CedarNet-Virtual-Lab- VLab-Quick-Start-Guide
All photos by Jillian Philyaw
1 Reply to "Beginner's Guide to Cedarville"
Dermafixa Serum February 20, 2017 (1:02 pm)
I don’t commonly comment but I gotta state thanks for
the post on this one :D.