Spirit Week Line Dancing Party

Next week is Spirit Week 2014, and Cedarville University is going all out to create a fun-filled and exciting week for students and alumni. One of the many events taking place is the line-dancing event.

On Wednesday, Oct. 1 from 7-9 p.m., all students and alumni are invited to the BTS patio for a night of line dancing and music.

To follow Spirit Week’s theme of “Wild, Wild West,” participants in this event will come wearing their best Western attire. Two prizes will be given out, one to the person with the best dance moves and one to the best-dressed dancer.

An experienced instructor will be teaching line dances, square dances, and other types of dances. The BTS patio will be decorated for the occasion and music will play all night. There is no fee for participants.

Bethany Gustin is a senior Cedarville student majoring in strategic communications and the organizer of this event. Spirit Week is meant to be a time for celebration, reunion, and excitement for students and alumni, she said, and this event will fit in perfectly. She said she sees it as an opportunity for students to hang out with their friends, get involved on campus and meet some alumni.

“We wanted to try to find something on campus that was fun for a lot of people and easily accessible,” Gustin said.

As Gustin worked to plan this event, a fellow Cedarville student, Tristan Ferry, a sophomore math education major, offered to teach the dances to the participants.

Ferry’s love for dancing started when he was young, he said. Since he was 10, Ferry said, he has attended a summer camp every year and has participated in dance clubs.

Now, he works as a camp counselor during the summer, where he and a friend teach young kids in a dance club for an hour and a half. He said he offered to teach this line-dancing event so that others would receive an enjoyable dancing experience as well.

“I love dancing, and I would love for people to get to love dancing also,” Ferry said.

Gustin, Ferry and a number of Cedarville students will be planning and decorating this event and said they hope to attract a large crowd of both students and alumni. Last year’s Spirit Week included a swing dancing event, so Gustin said she hopes to make this an annual occurrence.

So, whether you want to learn new line dancing moves, dress up Western-style, hang out with friends or all of the above, this line-dancing event is sure to be an enjoyable and fun-filled evening for all.

Kjersti Fry is a freshman pharmacy major and reporter for Cedars. She is from Cincinnati, Ohio, and she enjoys playing the piano, playing ultimate frisbee, and spending time with friends and family.

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