ReKindle Worship Band Aims to Revitalize Worship

ReKindle is an all-girl worship band made up of nine Cedarville students that aims to revitalize worship while ministering to others.

Band members said ReKindle was founded on 2 Timothy 1:6-7: “For this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.” (NASB)

Sophomore student and first-year bass player Maranda Smith said that when worshipping, it’s important to remember who you are, what you’ve done and how God still loves you. Focus on the lyrics, she said; it has to be about God.

“If you’re making it about yourself, you’re worshipping, but you’re worshipping yourself,” Smith said. “It’s not correct.”

The band has been together for three years (this year makes four), and has led worship in chapel and Encounter events on campus. It’s also played at women’s conferences, youth events and other outside church services.

Zoe Jamison, junior, and Emma Patterson, senior, lead ReKindle this year. Because the band reaches a wide audience–children, teenagers, adults and elders–Jamison and Patterson work to adapt the band’s musical style to fit the needs and preferences of its audience.

“We really try to blend a lot of different styles of music,” Patterson said. “We’re passionate about arranging hymns and more traditional songs in a contemporary and artistic way.”

Although they don’t write any original music for the band, Jamison and Patterson do work on modifying chords, adding choruses or changing the instrumentation, rhythm, or time signature of a song they want to use. That way, it sounds more traditional or contemporary for the audience.

ReKindle’s flexibility and exclusive girl-membership has provided it with unique opportunities to minister, especially to women. During off-campus worship events, members sit with other women during presentations or meal times, even if they’ve never met before.

“That’s been the most beneficial thing,” Patterson said. “Our attitude of really, intentionally getting to know women. That makes the worship time so much more effective.”

ReKindle’s ministry opportunities have resulted in its dividing into different groups.

“This is the first year we’ve done two bands,” Jamison said. “There’s one band that travels and the other band stays on campus and does on-campus events.”

The on-campus band, ReKindle Gold, has four members and has a more acoustic sound. The off-campus band, ReKindle Blue, has five members. It’s traveled throughout Ohio—to Dayton, Columbus, and Sugar Creek. It’s also been to Indiana and Lake Ann, Mich., and Smith said the band plans to visit West Virginia and Iowa within a year.

When ReKindle Blue and ReKindle Gold are together, meaning all nine members of the band play together, the group is called ReKindle Purple.

Even though all the girls don’t always get to play together, Smith said they are close like a family.

“Everyone is super-welcoming,” Smith said.

ReKindle can be contacted through its Facebook page or faculty adviser, Susan Plemons. Music auditions are held at the beginning of the school year for any girl interested in joining.

“We’re really eager to involve people who have a really strong heart for serving other women,” Patterson said.

Laura Ullom is a freshman journalism major and arts and entertainment writer for Cedars. She enjoys creating and solving riddles and playing the occasional game of chess.​

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