Q&A Gives Students an Informal Look at the SGA Candidates

SGA’s Town Hall Thursday night gave students an informal and humorous chance to get to know the president, vice president and chaplain candidates for next year’s Student Government Association.

The candidates played a game of “Sorry!” which determined what questions the candidates were asked.

Candidates shared their reasons for running for an SGA position. Steve Clark, who currently holds the chaplain position, said he didn’t have to think twice about campaigning for the position again.

“I couldn’t really imagine not at least giving a shot at (chaplain), because I love it so much,” he said.

For opponent Adam Cole, it’s the uniqueness of the chaplain position that drew him to campaign.

“The thing about SGA chaplain, there’s no opportunity like it on campus for that kind of ministry,” he said.

When asked why he should get the votes, Cole said he’ll work hard to put God first in his life.

“It’s not about me,” he said. “That position is about way bigger than me.”

Vice presidential hopeful Jill Willert said she is running for the position to serve others.

“I just kind of want to give back to people who have given to me,” Willert said.

Candidates had a bit of fun answering humorous questions, such as sharing a personal embarrassing story, thoughts on the TV show “Friends,” and telling tales of the best moments with stuffed animals and imaginary friends in childhood.

Chaplain candidate Adam Cole said his best moment with stuffed animals was when he placed them on the swing set and pretended they could fly. Opponent Steve Clark recounted his days working in Chucks as part of a multi-faceted embarrassing story. Spilling gallons and gallons of milk on the floor helplessly was among those memories.

When asked to speak about the meaning of diversity, vice presidential candidate Kristen Hayes said diversity is more than physical differences.

“Diversity is a thing,” she said, “but it’s also as brothers and sisters in Christ, we don’t have to see ourselves as different.”

Hayes is running with presidential candidate Matt Pounds who is currently studying abroad in Europe.

Jacob Norris, presidential candidate running with Willert, said he and his running mate have spent time on their campaign everyday – still leaving time to maintain their sanity, do required homework, and hang out with friends. Norris said the hardest part of being SGA president will be making sure the year is one that benefits students.

The 40-minute Q&A finished before any of the candidates made it to the home space in “Sorry!” but Hayes came the closest.

Polls open Friday, Feb. 19.

Anna Dembowski is a junior journalism major and managing editor/arts & entertainment editor for Cedars. She likes nearly anything that is the color purple and enjoys spelling the word “agathokakological.

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