Album Review: ’25’

British singer Adele released her album, titled “25,” Nov. 20. Adele’s single “Hello” initiated some hype in late October and continues to be a favorite among her followers.

“Hello” can be interpreted as a cry to a young love from an earlier time after which wounds have not been healed, despite the time that has passed: “They say that time’s supposed to heal ya, but I ain’t done much healing. … But it don’t matter, it clearly doesn’t tear you apart anymore.”

The album follows suit in being characterized by the theme of time.

On the day of the album’s debut, seven of iTunes top 10 songs were from the album, including “Hello” at number one and “When We Were Young” at number three. “25” features 11 songs with pop influence while also dabbling in Adele’s infamous ballads and strong vocals.

“When We Were Young” takes on a tone of reminiscence in it’s slower beat and fluctuant vocals as Adele is reminded of particular moments in a relationship. Listeners are able to relate to Adele’s recount of the past and be swept up in her words. “When We Were Young” allows listeners to experience a moment similar to the one she is experiencing in the song.

Another notable song is “Send my Love.” The song is centered around the guitar and maintains a catchy beat. The line of the chorus, “We’ve gotta let go of all of our ghosts, we both know we ain’t kids no more,” represents a pivotal point for Adele’s feelings towards the relationship. At this point in the album Adele sings of having given up her young love and “forgiven it all,” proceeding to send her love to his new lover.

This album follows her timeless album “21” and maintains the same quality in vocals, emotion and lyrics. Although Adele’s fans had to wait nearly four years for another full-length album, “25” does not disappoint. 

Adele’s single “Hello” is available on Spotify, but her complete album is not available for streaming. So, “25” may make a good stocking stuffer this holiday season. Pick up a copy of Adele’s latest on iTunes, Google Play and at major retailers like Walmart and Target. 

Nicole Dukes is a sophomore nursing major and an arts and entertainment writer for Cedars. She likes to express her artistic abilities through cosmetology and writing.

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