Students Weigh in on the 2016 Election

Cedars asked Cedarville students, regardless of their home state or voting eligibility, to weigh in on the 2016 presidential election. According to poll results, Cedarville students predominantly identify as Republicans, and students are most concerned about the economy during this election year.

Of the 398 undergraduate students who responded to Cedars’ online poll – about 10 percent of all undergraduates – 383 students said they plan to vote in the general election this November, and 106 respondents said they visited a polling place during Ohio’s March 15 primary election.

Though he dropped out of the race shortly after the poll was distributed to students, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) was named the most favorable candidate by students, followed by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

Presidential candidates Ohio Gov. John Kasich and former First Lady Hillary Clinton carried Ohio for the Republican and Democratic parties, respectively, in the state’s primary election.

According to unofficial election results from the Greene County Board of Elections (BOE), Kasich received 46.8 percent of the Republican vote in the county, followed by businessman Donald Trump who received about 4,000 less votes.

BOE results also show that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) won Greene County’s Democratic vote with about 6,700 total votes, leading Clinton by less than 100 votes, though he did not win the state as a whole. Sanders won just 13 of Ohio’s 88 counties in the primary election.March Poll Graphic_Revised2-page-001

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